Freelance Reinh has come closest to a solution so far. The SAS Global Forum 2013 paper referenced describes the underlying mechanics in great detail but the solutions it offers are now obsolete. Here is what I have tried, following the paper. 1. The SAS file Type Management no longer exists. It would be the best solution, so if anyone knows of an equivalent, that would be very good. 2. Editing the registry directly is not possible since I work in an organization that does not give me admin access to my computer. In addition, our IT support can do simple troubleshooting, but will not touch the registry. 3. I associated .sas files with SASOACT.exe, which is the least preferred solution in the paper, but is the only one available to me. This correctly launches the SAS environment when double-clicking a .sas file, but surprisingly the program does not open in the editor.
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