Hi, I have below table: Month Type Count Value1 Value2 Value3 Value4 01. April Auto 738 27.6 32.78 8.11 9.01 01. April Voluntary 221 10.05 10.66 2.43 3.33 02. May Auto 261 8.03 6.55 2.88 2.8 02. May Voluntary 108 4.14 4.43 1.2 1.64 03. June Auto 173 5.99 3 1.91 1.86 03. June Voluntary 120 5.46 0 0.13 0.18 I want to convert it to: 01. April 01. April 02. May 02. May 03. June 03. June Auto Voluntary Auto Voluntary Auto Voluntary Count 738 221 261 108 173 120 Value1 27.6 10.05 8.03 4.14 5.99 5.46 Value2 32.78 10.66 6.55 4.43 3 0 Value3 8.11 2.43 2.88 1.20 1.91 0.13 Value4 9.01 3.33 2.80 1.64 1.86 0.18 Please help.
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