Hi All, Recently I took a SQL query that I was running in Teradata SQL Assistant and wrote it in SAS using Proc SQL. My intend was to get the same results in SAS as I was getting the script in Teradata SQL Assistant. The Proc SQL code works, however I'm getting slightly different results and I'm not sure why. Does anyone know what I might be missing? Thanks! Teradata SQL Assistant code: Select PERIOD_DT as "Date" ,APPL ,CUST_TYPE_IND ,SUBPROD_CODE ,left(NAICS_Code,2) as "NAIC 2 Digit" ,CUOV_BUSN_TYPE ,sum(CUR_BAL) as "Balance" From eiw_d_bicc_hgnids_v1.depsme_jv IDS left join CIS.CUSTOMER_TB Cust on IDS.CIS_CUST_NO = Cust.Cust_NBR and cust.Close_date is null Left Join CIS.Cust_OV_TB CUOV On CUST.Cust_CO_NBR = CUOV.Cust_CO_NBR and CUST.CUST_ID = CUOV.CUST_ID AND CUST.CUST_TIE_BRKR = CUOV.CUST_TIE_BRKR left join PCD.NAICS_TB NAIC on Cust.NAIC_CD = NAIC.NAICS_Code where IDS.PERIOD_DT = '2021-05-31' and IDS.CUR_BAL >0 and CUST_TYPE_IND <> 0 and IDS.CUR_BAL <1000000 and NAIC.NAICS_Code not in ( '521110', '522110', '522120', '522130', '522190', '522210') group by 1,2,3,4,5,6 SAS Proc SQL code: data _null_; call Execute('%include "/users/apps/rbr_rpa/&sysuserid/pw/teradata_credentials.sas " / source2;'); run; libname teralib1 teradata server='XXXXX' user=&tduser password=&pw database='eiw_d_bicc_hgnids_v1'; libname teralib2 teradata server='XXXXX' user=&tduser password=&pw database='CIS'; libname teralib3 teradata server='XXXXX' user=&tduser password=&pw database='PCD' mode=teradata; proc sql; create table small_business as select depsme_jv.PERIOD_DT as Date, depsme_jv.APPL, CUSTOMER_TB.CUST_TYPE_IND, depsme_jv.SUBPROD_CODE, substr(naics_tb.NAICS_Code,1,2) as NAIC_2_Digit, cust_ov_tb.CUOV_BUSN_TYPE, sum(depsme_jv.CUR_BAL) as Balance from teralib1.depsme_jv left join teralib2.customer_tb on depsme_jv.cis_cust_no = customer_tb.Cust_NBR and customer_tb.close_date is null left join teralib2.cust_ov_tb on customer_tb.Cust_CO_NBR = cust_ov_tb.Cust_CO_NBR and customer_tb.CUST_ID = cust_ov_tb.CUST_ID and customer_tb.CUST_TIE_BRKR = cust_ov_tb.CUST_TIE_BRKR left join teralib3.naics_tb on customer_tb.naic_cd = naics_tb.naics_code where depsme_jv.PERIOD_DT='31May2021'd and depsme_jv.cur_bal > 0 and CUSTOMER_TB.cust_type_ind ~="0" and CUSTOMER_TB.cust_type_ind is not null and depsme_jv.cur_bal < 1000000 and naics_tb.naics_code not in('521110', '522110', '522120', '522130', '522190', '522210') and naics_tb.naics_code is not null group by 1,2,3,4,5,6; quit; libname teralib1 clear; libname teralib2 clear; libname teralib3 clear;
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