Hello SAS community! While reading this paper (page 12), I came across an ambiguous output. Judging by the code given in the paper (screenshot attached), the output dataset wtestp should contain the following variables: Name1 cValue1 nValue1 However, when trying to reproduce the output (at least in sas version 9.4), it turned out to be completely different (not in relation to the data presented, but in relation to the structure of the data set). A reproducible example: ods output WilcoxonTest = wtestp;
proc npar1way data = sashelp.class wilcoxon;
class sex;
var age;
run; The wtestp output is not at all similar to that in paper. It doesn't contain any variables with such names, and none of the variables contains the values "P2_WALL" 2_WALL. It is clear that the p-values are eventually obtained. But, this output doesn't allow them to be used in the macro as it was originally intended. Is it possible that I am doing something wrong and there is an opportunity to get the desired result? Thank in advance for any help!
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