Hi there, I am using proc surveyreg to generate lsmeans of a continuous outcome across sex groups. I would like both absolute difference and relative difference in means with corresponding 95%CIs, however the proc surveyreg procedure (which I MUST use as I have survey data) only generates absolute mean differences (meansex1 - meansex2), and will not give relative measures (meansex1/meansex2). I am wondering if this is a limitation of SAS and this procedure or if I am missing something? I posted a sample of my code below, where I have tried lsmeans, estimate and lsmestimate. proc surveyreg data=final varmethod=brr; class sex; model percent = sex/ clparm solution; lsmeans sex/ cl diff e; estimate "sex" sex -1 1 / cl; lsmestimate sex -1 1/ cl; weight wt; repweights rep1-rep500; run; Thanks in advance!
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