I'm using the following code using a sql passthrough but it is not correctly displaying the non ascii characters - see code sample A. But when I run the same code using libnames (much much slower so not an option for me to use when looking at larger timeframes and more countries) the characters all display correctly - see sample code B. It feels I need an extra option or piece of code added - any ideas please from this wonderful group of SAS Whizz's would be very welcome. Thank you Code A proc sql; connect to mysql as myconn (user=&user. password=&password. server=&server. port=3306 database=core); create table memships as select * from connection to myconn ( select a.invoice_reference, a.invoice_date, a.period_date, a.id_invoice_type, a.id_invoice_status, a.to_id_user, a.from_id_company, g.bu_name, a.total_amount, a.to_tax_reference, a.from_id_org, a.to_id_person, a.to_company_name, a.to_person_name, a.to_address_line1, a.to_address_line2, a.to_address_state, a.to_address_postcode, c.id_payment_status, d.email_address, e.email_address as email_1 from invoice as a left outer join membership_application as b on a.id_membership_application = b.id_membership_application left outer join payment as c on a.id_invoice = c.invoice_id_invoice left outer join user as d on a.to_id_user = d.id_user left outer join person as e on a.to_id_person = e.id_person left outer join org_region as f on a.from_id_org = f.id_region left outer join company as g on a.from_id_company = g.id_company where date(period_date)>= '2023-10-01' and date(period_date) <= '2023-10-31' and f.id_country = 10987 and c.id_payment_status in (1,3) and a.id_invoice_type in (1,2); ); disconnect from myconn; quit; Code B proc sql; create table memships1 as select a.invoice_reference, a.invoice_date, a.period_date, a.id_invoice_type, a.id_invoice_status, a.to_id_user, a.from_id_company, g.bu_name, a.total_amount, a.to_tax_reference, a.from_id_org, a.to_id_person, a.to_company_name, a.to_person_name, a.to_address_line1, a.to_address_line2, a.to_address_state, a.to_address_postcode, c.id_payment_status, d.email_address, e.email_address as email_1 from core.invoice as a left outer join core.membership_application as b on a.id_membership_application = b.id_membership_application left outer join core.payment as c on a.id_invoice = c.invoice_id_invoice left outer join core.user as d on a.to_id_user = d.id_user left outer join core.person as e on a.to_id_person = e.id_person left outer join core.org_region as f on a.from_id_org = f.id_region left outer join core.company as g on a.from_id_company = g.id_company where datepart(period_date)>= '01Oct2023'd and datepart(period_date) <= '31Oct2023'd and f.id_country =10987 and c.id_payment_status in (1,3) and a.id_invoice_type in (1,2); quit; I've uploaded a screenshot of the 2 output datasets to show the issue
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