I have written a SAS macro to extend the SAS/IML PRINT function. It maintains the syntax of the PRINT function and adds the IML RESET options as modifiers to the PRINT environment. The code is:
%macro PRINTIML( ARG )/ parmbuff ;
/* PURPOSE: enhance SAS/IML PRINT statement with additional capabilities
* NOTE: must use same SAS/IML syntax in %PRINTIML macro as in SAS/IML PRINT statement
* NOTE: must use backslash (\) after &ARG to indicate RESET settings to be applied to SAS/IML PRINT statement
* delimiter that separates SAS/IML PRINT statement options from RESET options is backslash (\)
* NOTE: default values for RESET are: noautoname nocenter fw=9 noname spaces=1
* NOTE: after printing, any specified RESET settings are restored to default values,
* regardless of former settings (simplistic approach due to inability to know
* value of RESET setting prior to invocation of %PRINTIML macro)
* SYNTAX: %PRINTIML( <matrices> <( expression )> <"message"> <pointer controls> <[options]> \ <RESET Options> )
* proc iml ;
* a = { 1 2 3, 4 5 6 } ;
* b = { 6 5 4, 3 2 1 } ;
* r_name = { 'row 1', 'row 2' } ;
* %PRINTIML( (( a + b )/ 7 ) \ center autoname spaces=3 fw=2 )
* %PRINTIML( ( a[ 1, ] ) ( b[ , 1 ] ) \ center autoname spaces=3 fw=2 )
* %PRINTIML( ( a + b )[ rowname=r_name format=10.5 ] \ spaces=1 )
* %PRINTIML( a , b / ( a + b ) \ spaces=1 )
* quit ;
%local I ;
/* verify that PROC IML is licensed for use */
%if not %sysprod(IML)
%then %do ;
%put /-----------------------------------------------\ ;
%put | ERROR: PROC IML not licensed for your system. | ;
%put | Terminating macro %PRINTIML forthwith. | ;
%put \-----------------------------------------------/ ;
%goto L9999 ;
%end ;
/* begin macro execution
%let AUTONAME = noautoname ;
%let CENTER = nocenter ;
%let FW = ;
%let NAME = noname ;
%let SPACES = %str( spaces=1 ) ;
/* remove left, right parens from &SYSPBUFF
/* find start location of RESET options, if any (backslash indicates that RESET options follow)
/* note: spaces in %bquote fcn are included in result, e.g., %bquote( A B C ) ne %bquote(A B C)
/* note: must check for case when no RESET settings present
%let STRING = %qsubstr( %bquote(&SYSPBUFF), 2, %length(&SYSPBUFF) - 2 ) ;
%let STRING = %qleft(%qtrim(&STRING)) ;
%let STRING1 = %qsysfunc( reverse( &STRING )) ;
%let NDX = %index( &STRING1, %str(\)) ;
/* extract RESET settings from reversed string, reverse again to create original order,
/* check for presence of settings. if none, set &NDX = 0 to prevent further action
%if &NDX > 0
%then %do ;
%let SETTINGS = %qupcase( %qsubstr( %bquote(&STRING1), 1, &NDX - 1 )) ;
%let SETTINGS = %qsysfunc( reverse( &SETTINGS )) ;
/* if any complex expression closing character, e.g., ) ] }, found, no settings used.
* reset &NDX flag to prevent further parsing for settings
%if %eval( %index( &SETTINGS, %str(%))) + %index( &SETTINGS, ] ) + %index( &SETTINGS, } )) > 0
%then %let NDX = 0 ;
/* extract expression(s) to be printed from reversed string
* reverse again to restore original order
%let STRING = %qsubstr( &STRING1, &NDX + 1 ) ;
%let STRING = %qsysfunc( reverse( &STRING )) ;
%end ;
/* insert blank around '[', '/', '(', ')', ',' to distinguish potential options
%let BUFFER = ;
%do I = 1 %to %length( &STRING ) ;
%let STRING1 = %qsubstr( &STRING, &I, 1 ) ;
%if &STRING1 = [
or &STRING1 = %str(/)
or &STRING1 = %str(%()
or &STRING1 = %str(%))
or &STRING1 = %str(,)
%then %let BUFFER = &BUFFER%str( &STRING1 ) ; %else %let BUFFER = &BUFFER.&STRING1 ;
%end ;
/* create argument for SAS/IML PRINT statement
/* simple expressions, e.g., variable name, not enclosed in parentheses
/* complex expressions, e.g., ( a + b / c * d[ +, 1] ), must be enclosed in () pairs
/* options , e.g., [ format=10.5 ] , must be enclosed in [] pairs
%let NBKT = 0 ;
%let NPAR = 0 ;
%let NSTR = 0 ;
%let I = 1 ;
%let TOKEN1 = %qscan( %bquote(&STRING), &I, %str( )) ;
%do %until( &&TOKEN&I = ) ;
/* create macro vars to indicate presence/absence of (), []. set counters.
%let TOKEN_1 = %qsubstr( &&TOKEN&I, 1, 1 ) ;
%let TOKEN_2 = %qsubstr( &&TOKEN&I, %length( &&TOKEN&I ), 1 ) ;
/* process brackets */
%let LBKT&I = %eval( %index( &&TOKEN&I, [ ) > 0 ) ;
%let RBKT&I = %eval( %index( &&TOKEN&I, ] ) > 0 ) ;
%let NBKT = %eval( &NBKT + &&LBKT&I - &&RBKT&I ) ;
%let NBKT&I = %eval( &NBKT + &&RBKT&I ) ;
/* process parentheses */
%let LPAR&I = %eval( %index( &&TOKEN&I, %str(%() ) > 0 ) ;
%let RPAR&I = %eval( %index( &&TOKEN&I, %str(%)) ) > 0 ) ;
%let NPAR = %eval( &NPAR + &&LPAR&I - &&RPAR&I ) ;
%let NPAR&I = %eval( &NPAR + &&RPAR&I ) ;
%let EXPR_END&I = %eval( &&NPAR&I = 1 and &NPAR = 0 ) ;
/* process string quotes */
%let LSTR&I = %eval( &TOKEN_1 = %str(%') or &TOKEN_1 = %str(%")) ;
%let RSTR&I = %eval( &TOKEN_2 = %str(%') or &TOKEN_2 = %str(%")) ;
%let NSTR = %eval( &NSTR + &&LSTR&I - &&RSTR&I ) ;
%let NSTR&I = %eval( &NSTR + &&RSTR&I ) ;
%let I = %eval( &I + 1 ) ;
%let TOKEN&I = %qscan( &STRING, &I, %str( )) ;
%end ;
%let N_TOKEN = %eval( &I - 1 ) ;
/* assemble 3 cases:
/* simple expression # paren = 0
/* string expression # paren = 0, # strings > 0
/* complex expression # paren > 0, # strings > 0, # brackets > 0
%let BUFFER = ;
%let TOKEN = ;
%do I = 1 %to &N_TOKEN ;
%if &&NPAR&I = 0 and &&NSTR&I = 0 and &&NBKT&I = 0 /* i.e., outside of (expression) */
%then %do ;
%if &&TOKEN&I ne %str(,) and &&TOKEN&I ne %str(/)
%then %let BUFFER = &BUFFER " &&TOKEN&I = " &&TOKEN&I ;
%else %let BUFFER = &BUFFER.%str( &&TOKEN&I ) ;
%end ;
%if &&NPAR&I = 0 and ( &&NSTR&I > 0 or &&NBKT&I > 0 ) /* 'message' or [options] but not (expression) */
%then %do ;
%end ;
%else %do ;
%let TOKEN = &TOKEN.&&TOKEN&I ; /* build (expression) */
%if &&EXPR_END&I /* have built (expression), put to output buffer */
%then %do ;
%let BUFFER = &BUFFER " &TOKEN. = " &TOKEN ;
%let TOKEN = ;
%end ;
%end ;
%end ;
/* if settings follow &ARG, parse them from &SYSPBUFF and apply them
%if &NDX > 0
%then %do ;
%let I = 1 ;
%let TOKEN = %scan( &SETTINGS, 1, %str( )) ;
%do %while( %length( &TOKEN ) > 0 ) ;
%if &TOKEN = AUTONAME %then %let AUTONAME = autoname ;
%if &TOKEN = CENTER %then %let CENTER = center ;
%if %substr( &TOKEN, 1, 2 ) = FW %then %let FW = &TOKEN ;
%if &TOKEN = NAME %then %let NAME = name ;
%if %substr( &TOKEN, 1, 2 ) = SP %then %let SPACES = &TOKEN ;
%let I = %eval( &I + 1 ) ;
%let TOKEN = %scan( &SETTINGS, &I, %str( )) ;
%end ;
%end ;
/* resolve SAS/IML PRINT statement */
print %unquote(&BUFFER) ;
/* invert settings, if any
%if &NDX > 0
%then %do ;
%if &AUTONAME ne %then %let AUTONAME = noautoname ;
%if &CENTER ne %then %let CENTER = nocenter ;
%if &FW ne %then %let FW = %str( FW=9 ) ;
%if &NAME ne %then %let NAME = noname ;
%if &SPACES ne %then %let SPACES = %str( SPACES=1 ) ;
%end ;
%mend PRINTIML ;
and the results of executing the examples of use in the macro prologue are demonstrated below:
((a+b)/7) = 1 1 1
1 1 1
(a[1,]) = 1 2 3 (b[,1]) = 6
(a+b) = row 1 7.00000 7.00000 7.00000
row 2 7.00000 7.00000 7.00000
a = 1 2 3
4 5 6
b = 6 5 4
3 2 1
Perhaps you will find it useful.
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