Hello, I'm Jose again. When I unzipp the EGP194 I get 5 folders (activities, data, demos, output, practices) and 2 files: creatdata.sas and setup.sas. Then I setup my sesion on SAS Studio (odaus03-usw2), upload all folders and files following the instructions. However, the instructions don't show anything about Output folder: " Upload files to the activities, data, demos, and practices folders. In SAS Studio, select the activities folder and then click Upload . In the Upload Files window, click Choose Files. In the Open window, navigate to the activities folder on your computer. Select all the files in the folder and click Open. Click Upload. The files are added to the activities folder on the server. Perform the same steps to upload files, but this time select the data folder and upload all the files from the data folder on your computer. Perform the same steps to upload files, but this time select the demos folder and upload all the files from the demos folder on your computer. Perform the same steps to upload files, but this time select the practices folder and upload all the files from the practices folder on your computer.". and However, when I run p101d101.sas my output folder don't have excel files like: ods excel file="&path/output/storm_report&year..xlsx" What I must to do?.... thanks for all
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