I am creating a proc report and am getting output like this. I don't want gap which is on left side highlighted in yellow. one which in red should all be in one row and like wrap. I want output like this Issues-1 CSR introduction Sales Activities and "CBFE Pre-approved Sales Leads including new Credit Card, Credit Limit Increase & COPS (New & Increase) (Resulting in Monthly Matched Pop Ups)" should be in same row 2 issue 2- in excel spread sheet when I am sheet 2 name more than 2 words like CBFE Preapproved Leads – Weekly - it give me error Issue 3- I wanted to style it like its in original report like cant format headers for spanning header my code : ods listing close; ods escapechar='^'; options orientation=landscape; ods excel file="/sasdata/oth/priv/RDBI/TMP/CSR" options(sheet_interval='none' sheet_name='Weekly &week_num summary');; proc report data= csr_summary split='/' style(header)=[backgroundcolor=CX90D9D7 color=black]; column ("Region" REGION) ("Market" DISTRICT ) ('Transit' TRANSIT) ('Tranname' TRANNAME ) ( "Total CBFE Leads including Sales (Pre-Approved and Introduction) & Service Leads" ("Total CBFE Leads Presented (#)" TOT_CL_PRSNT ) ("Total CBFE Leads Accepted (#)" TOT_CL_ACCPT) ("Total CBFE Leads Declined (#)" TOT_CL_DECLN ) ("Total CBFE Leads Missed (#)" TOT_CL_MISSD) ) ( "CBFE Pre-approved Sales Leads including new Credit Card, Credit Limit Increase & COPS (New & Increase) (Resulting in Monthly Matched Pop Ups)" ( ("Total CBFE Pre-app Leads Presented (#)" TOT_PA_PRSNT) ("Total Pre-approved Leads Accepted (#)" TOT_PA_ACCPT) ("Total Pre-approved Leads Declined (#)" TOT_PA_DECLN) ("Total Pre-approved Leads Missed (#)" TOT_PA_MISSD) ) ) ("CSR Introduction Sales Activities" ("CBFE Intro Sales Leads" ("Total CBFE Intro Leads Presented (#)" TOT_CBFE_PRSNT) ("Total CBFE Intro Leads Accepted (#)" TOT_CBFE_ACPT) ) ("CSR Initiated" ("Total Intros CSR initiated through client conversations (#)" TOT_CSR_PRSNT) ) ("Total Intros" ("Total Intros through CBFE & Client Conversations (#)" TOT_INTRO) ) ) ( "Introductions Closed" ( "Proceed to Sale (#)" PROC_TO_SALE ) ("Proceed to Opportunity (#)" PROC_TO_OPPR ) ("Total Successful Intros (#)" TOT_SUCCESSFUL ) ) ("Other CBFE Leads" ("Service Leads" ( ("Other CBFE Service Leads #" TOT_SERVICE)) ) ); define region / display ' '; define district / display ' '; define TRANNAME /DISPLAY ' '; define transit / display ' '; define TOT_CL_PRSNT / "A / A=E+I" style(header)=[backgroundcolor=CXE8D898 color=black]; define TOT_CL_ACCPT / "B" style(header)=[backgroundcolor=CXE8D898 color=black]; define TOT_CL_DECLN / "C" style(header)=[backgroundcolor=CXE8D898 color=black]; define TOT_CL_MISSD / "D" style(header)=[backgroundcolor=CXE8D898 color=black]; define TOT_PA_PRSNT /"E" style(header)=[backgroundcolor=CXE8D898 color=black]; define TOT_PA_ACCPT / "F" style(header)=[backgroundcolor=CXE8D898 color=black]; define TOT_PA_DECLN / "G" style(header)=[backgroundcolor=CXE8D898 color=black]; define TOT_PA_MISSD / "H" style(header)=[backgroundcolor=CXE8D898 color=black]; define TOT_CBFE_PRSNT/ "I" style(header)=[backgroundcolor=CXE8D898 color=black]; define TOT_CBFE_ACPT / "J" style(header)=[backgroundcolor=CXE8D898 color=black]; define TOT_CSR_PRSNT / " K" style(header)=[backgroundcolor=CXE8D898 color=black]; define TOT_INTRO / "L /L=J+K" style(header)=[backgroundcolor=CXE8D898 color=black]; define PROC_TO_SALE / "M" style(header)=[backgroundcolor=CXE8D898 color=black]; define PROC_TO_OPPR /"N" style(header)=[backgroundcolor=CXE8D898 color=black]; define TOT_SUCCESSFUL / "O/O=M+N" style(header)=[backgroundcolor=CXE8D898 color=black]; define TOT_SERVICE / " P" style(header)=[backgroundcolor=CXE8D898 color=black]; RUN; ods excel options(sheet_interval='output'); ods exclude all; data _null_; declare odsout obj(); run; ods select all; ods excel options(sheet_interval='none' sheet_name='Preapproved'); proc report data=csr_summary2 split='/'; column ("Region" REGION) ("Market" DISTRICT ) ('Transit' TRANSIT) ('Tranname' TRANNAME ) ( "Total CBFE Pre-approved (PA) Sales Leads including Credit Card, Credit Limit Increase & COPS (New & Increase) (Resulting in Monthly Matched Pop Ups)" ("Total Pre-approved CBFE Sales Leads Presented (#)" TOT_PA_PRSNT ) ("Total Accepted (#)" TOT_PA_ACCPT) ("Total Declined (#)" TOT_PA_DECLN ) ("Total Missed (#)" TOT_PA_MISSD) ) ( "CBFE Pre-approved (PA) new Credit Cards (CC) Leads (Resulting in Monthly Matched Pop Ups)" ("Total PA CC Leads Presented (#)" VIS_PA_PRSNT) ("Total Accepted (#)" VIS_PA_ACCPT) ("Total Declined (#)" VIS_PA_DECLN) ("Total Missed (#)" VIS_PA_MISSD) ) ("CBFE Pre-approved Credit Limit Increases (CLI) Leads (Resulting in Monthly Matched Pop Ups" ("Total PA CLI Leads Presented (#)" CLI_PA_PRSNT) ("Total Accepted (#)" CLI_PA_ACCPT) ("Total Declined (#)" CLI_PA_DECLN) ("Total Missed (#)" CLI_PA_MISSD) ) ("CBFE Pre-approved COPS (New & Increase) Leads (Resulting in Monthly Matched Pop Ups" ("Total PA COPS Leads Presented (#)" COP_PA_PRSNT) ("Total Accepted (#)" COP_PA_ACCPT) ("Total Declined (#)" COP_PA_DECLN) ("Total Missed (#)" COP_PA_MISSD) ) ; define region / display ' '; define district / display ' '; define TRANNAME /DISPLAY ' '; define transit / display ' '; define TOT_PA_PRSNT / "A / A=E+I+M" ; define TOT_PA_ACCPT/ "B"; define TOT_PA_DECLN / "C"; define TOT_PA_MISSD / "D"; define VIS_PA_PRSNT /"E"; define VIS_PA_ACCPT / "F"; define VIS_PA_DECLN / "G"; define VIS_PA_MISSD / "H"; define CLI_PA_PRSNT /"I"; define CLI_PA_ACCPT / "J"; define CLI_PA_DECLN / " K"; define CLI_PA_MISSD / "L"; define COP_PA_PRSNT / "M"; define COP_PA_ACCPT /"N"; define COP_PA_DECLN / "O"; define COP_PA_MISSD / " P"; RUN;
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