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Subject Views Posted 20687 03-02-2020 09:07 AM 20698 03-02-2020 08:51 AM 985 02-26-2020 08:16 AM 781 02-20-2020 02:24 PM 788 02-20-2020 02:22 PM 2231 02-20-2020 01:54 PM 2244 02-20-2020 01:10 PM 2270 02-20-2020 12:17 PM 2283 02-20-2020 11:55 AM 2314 02-20-2020 09:10 AM -
Activity Feed for Debugger
- Posted Re: ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: a name, a quoted string, a numeric c on SAS Programming. 03-02-2020 09:07 AM
- Posted ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: a name, a quoted string, a numeric const on SAS Programming. 03-02-2020 08:51 AM
- Posted ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: a format name, =. on SAS Programming. 02-26-2020 08:16 AM
- Posted Re: Creating a loop in SAS Macro that compares a table with lots of others on SAS Programming. 02-20-2020 02:24 PM
- Posted Re: Creating a loop in SAS Macro that compares a table with lots of others on SAS Programming. 02-20-2020 02:22 PM
- Posted Re: Creating a loop in SAS Macro that compares a table with lots of others on SAS Programming. 02-20-2020 01:54 PM
- Liked Re: Creating a loop in SAS Macro that compares a table with lots of others for Reeza. 02-20-2020 01:35 PM
- Posted Re: Creating a loop in SAS Macro that compares a table with lots of others on SAS Programming. 02-20-2020 01:10 PM
- Liked Re: Creating a loop in SAS Macro that compares a table with lots of others for Tom. 02-20-2020 12:21 PM
- Posted Re: Creating a loop in SAS Macro that compares a table with lots of others on SAS Programming. 02-20-2020 12:17 PM
- Posted Re: Creating a loop in SAS Macro that compares a table with lots of others on SAS Programming. 02-20-2020 11:55 AM
- Posted Re: Creating a loop in SAS Macro that compares a table with lots of others on SAS Programming. 02-20-2020 09:10 AM
- Posted Re: Creating a loop in SAS Macro that compares a table with lots of others on SAS Programming. 02-20-2020 08:46 AM
- Posted Creating a loop in SAS Macro that compares a table with lots of others on SAS Programming. 02-20-2020 07:27 AM
- Posted Re: ERROR 22-322/ERROR 76-322: Macro Variable &n generates random white spaces on SAS Programming. 02-17-2020 10:42 AM
- Posted Problems doing a loop in SAS Macro on SAS Programming. 02-17-2020 09:24 AM
- Posted Re: ERROR 22-322/ERROR 76-322: Macro Variable &n generates random white spaces on SAS Programming. 02-17-2020 08:29 AM
- Posted ERROR 22-322/ERROR 76-322: Macro Variable &n generates random white spaces on SAS Programming. 02-17-2020 07:21 AM
Posts I Liked
09:07 AM
Thanks ... That was pretty quick. I will follow the instructions in the future!
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08:51 AM
Hi Guys, I currently face another problem with a macro that I recently created. I feel like the programm does not resolve my macro variables. Which is strange as it did the day before. It is just the beginning of a macro, where I compare a Table that includes certain values with lots of other tables including the values. In the following code I create the macro variables and focus the table on prompts which I created. In the next Proc SQL statement I create a table focused on the macro variables. As I said it is just the beginning of a code, however posting the whole code would distract from the problem imo. Thanks for your help in advance. Options Mprint;
Proc SQL noprint ;
Select name,
Into :Feld1 - ,
:Tabelle1 - ,
:ID1 -
where "&Eingabe_CD_Feld" = name
and "&Eingabe_Tabelle" = tabellenname;
Proc SQL;
Create Table Fokus AS
Select Distinct &Feld1 AS &Feld1,
From RC.&Tabelle1;
Quit; Proc SQL; 30 Create Table Fokus AS 31 Select Distinct &Feld1 AS &Feld1, NOTE: Line generated by the macro variable "SASWORKLOCATION". 31 &Feld _ 22 WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference FELD not resolved. ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: a name, a quoted string, a numeric constant, a datetime constant, a missing value, BTRIM, INPUT, PUT, SUBSTRING, USER. NOTE: Line generated by the macro variable "FELD1". 31 "Verbund ____________________ 22 ERROR 22-322: Expecting a name. 32 From RC.&Tabelle1; NOTE: PROC SQL set option NOEXEC and will continue to check the syntax of statements. NOTE: Line generated by the macro variable "TABELLE1". 32 RC.VERBUND ___ 22 76 ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: !, !!, &, (, *, **, +, ',', -, '.', /, <, <=, <>, =, >, >=, ?, AND, BETWEEN, CONTAINS, EQ, EQT, GE, GET, GT, GTT, LE, LET, LIKE, LT, LTT, NE, NET, OR, ^=, |, ||, ~=. 2 The SAS System 14:15 Monday, March 2, 2020 ERROR 76-322: Syntax error, statement will be ignored. 33 Quit; NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors. NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds 34 35 GOPTIONS NOACCESSIBLE; 36 %LET _CLIENTTASKLABEL=; 37 %LET _CLIENTPROCESSFLOWNAME=; 38 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTPATH=; 39 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTPATHHOST=; 40 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTNAME=; 41 %LET _SASPROGRAMFILE=; 42 %LET _SASPROGRAMFILEHOST=; 43 %SYMDEL Eingabe_CD_Feld; 44 %SYMDEL Eingabe_Tabelle; 45 46 ;*';*";*/;quit;run; 47 ODS _ALL_ CLOSE; 48 49 50 QUIT; RUN; 51
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08:16 AM
Hi Guys, Probably pretty simple mistake. Got the following Error. Sth seems to be wrong with my "Format". MPRINT(LOOP): Create Table Abgleich24 AS Select "TRAG" AS Schau_Stichwort_ID length=30, "BEISPIEL" AS Tabelle length=30, "BEISPIEL_BETR" AS Feld length=30, t2.Schau_NM length=30, BEISPIEL_BEITR AS BEITR_NM length=30 Format 'BEITR_NM' = $6 From t1; ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: a format name, =. Proc SQL;
Create Table Abgleich&i AS
Select "&&Schau&i" AS Schau_ID length=30,
"&&Tabelle&i" AS Tabelle length=30,
"&&Feld&i" AS Feld length=30,
t2.Schau_NM length=30,
&&Feld&i AS Schau_NM length=30
Format 'Schau_NM' = $6
From WORK.Fokus t1;
Left join work.Fokus_Schau t2 ON (t1.&&Feld&i = t2.Schau_NM);
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02:24 PM
@Reeza I already left Uni. Excited to do IT tomorrow!! Hope it works. Thanks im advance!!!
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02:22 PM
@ChrisNZ Achtually a good approach!! But I think of would not fulfill my Task AS to compare the tables neatlessly. With the Union Statement IT would only Show me that Things are Not the Same...
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01:54 PM
@Reeza. Okay okay thx. Let us forget the data step you Just offered AS second solution. I am already confused enough. In the example you wanted me to read you are only definjng once the macro variable "Toyota". In my case a have a SQL(!!) Table Witz idk 137 distinct valuea which i want to be passed AS macro variables in a enumerated order. AS i specified in the beginning... Do you think your Case wohld Work Here?
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01:10 PM
How would the code look like as I have two variables that i will use in the macro? Would I do the *get list of all makes;
proc sql;
create table car_makes as
select distinct make
from sashelp.cars;
quit; Step twice?
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12:17 PM
thank for your reply i will edit the name
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11:55 AM
Thanks for your reply @Reeza . But unfortunately I think I already followed your Tutorial. As you can see in the posts before. I did already test my sql outside the macro I did replace every name I want to automatize with the macro. I did transfer the variables into macro. However my macro does not recognize the variables as a enumerated list you can loop through...
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09:10 AM
To the second part of the question: I actually ran the sql Code I wanted to automize twice, with the following code (which is slightly different from the code I ran in the first place). PROC SQL; CREATE TABLE Test AS SELECT distinct t1.Ausprägungen, t2.Joinfeld A FROM WORK.Table X Left join Table A t2 ON (t1.Ausprägungen = t2.Joinfeld A) WHERE t2.Joinfeld A NOT = ''; QUIT; I actually ran this code and got the results i wanted: Table X Table A Person A Person A Person A2 Person A2 Person A3 Person A3 I would now see the matching "Ausprägungen". Instead of posting another example I highlighted the parts which I want to automatize. I hope this gets clearer now. Thanks for your help.
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08:46 AM
thanks for your reply @Kurt_Bremser : Unfortunately I have to deal with this task and as well think it is really difficult. To the first part of you question. An Example of Table X would be Something like this. Stichwort TXT Ausprägung Name Tabellenname Joinfeld A A Person A Name of Person A Table A A A Person A2 Name of Person A Table A A A Person A3 Name of Person A Table A z z Person z Name of Person z Tabel z z z Person z2 Name of Person z Tabel z z z Person z3 Name of Person z Tabel z ed ed Person ed Name of Person ed Table ed ed ed Person ed2 Name of Person ed Tabel ed Table A would now contain Person A Person A2 Table z would contain Person z Person z2 Person z3 In a join of both tables I would like to find out now, that Table A is missing Person A3 one of the "Ausprägungen" of Table X and Table z would contain all of the "Ausprägungen".
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07:27 AM
Hi guys, I already opened two topics where I tried to describe my problem. https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Programming/ERROR-22-322-ERROR-76-322-Macro-Variable-amp-n-generates-random/m-p/625246#M184273 https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Programming/Problems-doing-a-loop-in-SAS-Macro/m-p/625390#M184311 As I am a complete newbie to SAS I hope you forgive me that, I strugeled to describe what I actually wanted to achieve and therefore tried to break down my Problem to different steps. Here the consolidated version of the problem: I want to compare Table X which contains values that are part of other tables. E.g. Does table X contain: Person a which is part of Table A Person z which is part of Table AX Person ed which is part of Table SE .... I now want to create a SAS Project, that automatically compares table X with its values in the respective other tables as there may be fields in table X that are not used anymore. My Idea broken down in the different steps was: 1. Creating the macro variables. Which are &n the number of observations, &Joinfeld the field which is necessary to join the tables, &name the name of the table Table X is referring to. 2. Joining Table X with the respective other tables so that I got table X and a potential empty or filled field from the other tables. 3. Creating a table that consolidates the joined fields in one table. 4. Creating a Macro that automizes step 2 and 3. Here my code that I wrote and the respective problems in red: 1. proc sql;
select count(*) into :n
from table X;
%let n=&n;
proc SQL;
Select distinct NAME into :name1 -
from table x;
Proc SQL;
select distinct Tabellenname into :Joinfeld1 -
from table X;
Quit; Problem: How do I create &n, &name and &Joinfeld, so that they are enumerated, as in my opinion I need this to do the loop of in the macro !? Is there any other way, that the macro can detect, that Number 1 of table X is done and goes on to number 2 and so forth? 2. PROC SQL;
SELECT t1.Stichwort_ID1,
Left join &name1 t2 ON (t1.Ausprägung = t2.&Joinfeld1)
Where t1.Ausprägung not= t2.&Joinfeld1;
QUIT; 3. How can I create a Table, that keeps the steps in Number 2. and consolidates them into one? 4. %Macro Loop;
%Do i=1 %to &n;
%Mend Loop;
Thanks in advance.
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10:42 AM
Hi; @yabwon they should be the same value. The idea is that i want to get a list of distinct variables, that i can build a loop on, as I experienced however my code only count to the end of the oservations. any idea how i could change that? Is that possible with the Sqlobs? Thanksin advance
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09:24 AM
Hi guys, one problem is solved, the next arrives. I am trying to automatize a comparison between one table (Table1) and its values and a lot of other tables, that should have the same respective values. There are probably missing values in the other tables and as Table1 is updated on a regular basis, this kind of macro would make my life much easier. The comparison shall be executed in a way, so that the macro loops a comparison between Table1 and and the respective other table by joining them. As a result I would like to have an output of a lot of different tables, that include the joins of the respective tables, so that any executor of the macro can easily spot missing values or matching values. In post XY I already posted the creation of the macro variables via SQL, Former Post Once again here the code. proc sql;
select count(*) into :n
from work.Tabelle1;
%let n=&n;
proc SQL;
Select distinct NAME into :name1 -
from work.Tabelle1;
Proc SQL;
select distinct Tabellenname into :Joinfeld1 -
from work.Tabelle1;
Quit; As loop I created the code: %Macro Loop;
%Do 1 %to &n;
SELECT t1.Stichwort,
FROM &Tabelle
FULL JOIN &tabelle t2 ON (t1.NM = t2.&Joinfeld)
WHERE t1.NM NOT = '' AND t2.Joinfeld NOT = '';
%Mend Loop;
%Loop; My Idea was to have variable "names" via which you can join the tables ("Joinfeld"), have distinct names for the tables ("tabelle") and iterations ("n"). Does this seems logical or did i commit another easy error? Before completing the loop. This Error message occurs: ERROR: An unexpected semicolon occurred in the %DO statement. ERROR: A dummy macro will be compiled. Can u guys detect the probably very easy source of the mistake and realize whether my loop would work in the first place? Thanks in advance. Best
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08:29 AM
Hi guys, thank a lot for you quick help!!! The first solution already worked! I have been sitting hours in front of this problem. Cheers Peter
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