Hello All, I am a noob sas user. I'm more proficient in R, but SAS is totally new to me. I'm facing multiple issues reading a large file too. proc import
datafile = ".\my_data.csv"
out = work.imported_data
dbms = csv
guessingrows = 1000;
run; The csv file that I'm trying to import does not read in the correct variable names. My csv has 3055 variables. Currently, proc export is reading the variables names up to 2933 variables correctly and then renaming the remaining variables as VAR2934, VAR2935, VAR2936... VAR3055. I have tried getnames = no and obs = 1 option as well. The first row does not read in correctly. I've found the issue on google. It seems that the LRECL of the first row is greater than 32767 bytes/characters. Do you know how I can change the LRECL to read in the data correctly? I have attached the data and code for your reference. Currently I have to manually rename the variables. Please suggest. Your help is much appreciated. Regards, Neel
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