PCR_URINE_COMBINE First Tertile Second Tertile Third Tertile Mean (se)/N(%) Mean (se)/N(%) Mean (se)/N(%) White(%) Male(%) Age(yrs) EGFR(%) >60 45-60 30-45 <30 Hi all, This is my table and I want to create a cross sectional table. About the variable PCR_URINE_COMBINE, my code is: proc univariate data=PROJECT.PAPER_CRIC; var PCR_URINE_COMBINED; output out=perc pctlpre=p_ pctlpts= 33.33 66.67; run; I knew the two points of this variable(0.062761506, 0.225225225 ) from the sas output, and next I need to divide into three parts (first,2nd,3rd)of this variable, that is from continuous variable to categorical variable. I read the message from you told me (like proc rank....), but i am still confused how to produce my table (Like proc means, proc freq....). I write some codes, but i don't know how to write more...Can someone help revise my codes or give some sample code for me? Sorry for my rough draft of codes. I really appreciate your help. data CRIC; set PROJECT.PAPER_CRIC; if WHITE='White' and SEX='Male'; format group $8.; if EGFR_CKD_EPI<30 then group='<30'; if EGFR_CKD_EPI>=30 and EGFR_CKD_EPI<45 then group='30-45'; if EGFR_CKD_EPI>=45 and EGFR_CKD_EPI<60 then group='45-60'; if EGFR_CKD_EPI>=60 then group='>60'; ATTRIB Tertile LENGTH = 8 LABEL = "Tertile"; if PCR_URINE_COMBINED< 0.062761506 then Tertile=1; else if PCR_URINE_COMBINED=0.062761506-0.225225225 then Tertile=2; else if PCR_URINE_COMBINED> 0.225225225 then Tertile=3; run; proc rank data=PROJECT.PAPER_CRIC groups=3 out=want; var PCR_URINE_COMBINED; ranks tertiles; run;
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