I need to recode a long list of variables that are named this way (numbered list by month, from first to last): Variable Variable label MBA_1_VALUE "Monthly Benefit Amount, 1/1962" MBA_2_VALUE "Monthly Benefit Amount, 2/1962" .... MBA_672_VALUE "Monthly Benefits Amount, 12/2017" To be coded this way (month/abbr. year): mba_jan_62 "Monthly Benefit Amount, 1/1962" mba_feb_62 "Monthly Benefit Amount, 2/1962" .... mba_dec_17 "Monthly Benefits Amount, 12/2017" Is there an efficient way to recode all these variables (via macros, arrays, proc sql, etc.)? There are 672 of these per variable type (I have 4 different variable types). I don't need variable labels (used to help explain the format). All variables are character variables. Thank you!
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