proc sql; create table SUMM3_REPEAT_CUST as select M.CNCPT_NM , M.TRRTRY_SHRT_NM , (C.REPEAT_CUST/M.CUST_CY) as REPEAT_CUST_PER_CY format=percent8.2 , (L.REPEAT_CUST/M.CUST_LY) as REPEAT_CUST_PER_LY format=percent8.2 , (calculated REPEAT_CUST_PER_CY - calculated REPEAT_CUST_PER_LY) as REPEAT_CUST_PP_CHNG , (C.REPEAT_CUST_REV/M.REV_CY) as REPEAT_CUST_REV_PER_CY format=percent8.2 , (L.REPEAT_CUST_REV/M.REV_LY) as REPEAT_CUST_REV_PER_LY format=percent8.2 , (calculated REPEAT_CUST_REV_PER_CY - calculated REPEAT_CUST_REV_PER_LY) as REPEAT_CUST_REV_PP_CHNG from SUMM1_REV_TREE M left join REPEAT_CUST_CY C on M.CNCPT_NM=C.CNCPT_NM and M.TRRTRY_SHRT_NM=C.TRRTRY_SHRT_NM left join REPEAT_CUST_LY L on M.CNCPT_NM=L.CNCPT_NM and M.TRRTRY_SHRT_NM=L.TRRTRY_SHRT_NM order by 1,2 ; quit; This is a sample code which I want to covert to hash objects but due to few study materials available online regarding Hash coding. I'm not being able to find a solutaion. someone please help me out ASAP
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