Hi RonAgresta, Thanks for reverting. I checked the mentioned business rule functionality but i failed to understand how SAS pattern outcomes can be compared to the patterns i have. Like if i have a table with fields name and the pattern they should follow. Example: Fieldname,format Address Australian postcode,{NNNN} where N is a number Now i fail to understand how to do the profiling referening this table. I want to highlight those records in the incoming csv files which do not follow the above pattern. Now the roadblocks are: 1)SAS profiling patterns analysis gives outcomes in A and 9 which will not follow the rules which i will create on the business rule manager 2) if in data job i can run some sas codes to bring these pattern annotations in one version , i can do some comparisons and create flags. 3) I could not find how to profile date fields to understand whether its DDMMYY or MMDDYY etc format. I have to give everything in string to get the pattern analysis outcomes. But then it give 99/99/99 . How does it help if i need to parse and create more rules to identify the data format? Appreciate more help in these please. Regards, Shikha
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