I need to make this table. The variables are listed on the left. I have done a proc freq, proc univariate, ttest, etc. But I can't get them into a table like this. Any help is appreciated. Measure Subject (N=000) Age (yrs) 00 ± 00 (00) 00 (00, 00) [00,00] Gender Male 00% (00/00) Female 00% (00/00) Race American Indian / Alaska Native 00% (00/00) Asian 00% (00/00) Black / African American 00% (00/00) Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander 00% (00/00) Caucasian 00% (00/00) Other 00% (00/00) Ethnicity Hispanic or Latino 00% (00/00) Non-Hispanic or Latino 00% (00/00) Height (cm) 00 ± 00 (00) 00 (00, 00) [00,00] Weight (kg) 00 ± 00 (00) 00 (00, 00) [00,00] BMI 00 ± 00 (00) 00 (00, 00) [00,00] Numbers are mean ± SD (N) / median (interquartile range) / [minimum, maximum] for continuous measures, and percent (count/N) for categorical measures.
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