Dear all I ran into problems with my Glimmix-syntax if the dependent variable is right-censored and there are a lot of zero-values (a histogram is attached). For example, that's the case if the dependent variable is the number of nursing days in a year. The current syntax (which works perfectly for other dependent variables): Proc glimmix data=FINALEIGHT oddsratio noclprint ;
Class Complexity (ref="1") H18 Gender (ref="1") Age_category2 (ref="1");
nloptions maxiter=50;
Model nursing_N = Age_category2 Complexity Gender year2/ddfm=satterthwaite solution link=log dist=negbin cl;
random _residual_ / subject=H18 type=cs;
estimate 'gender female vs male' Gender 1 -1/ilink cl;
estimate 'complexity severe vs moderate' Complexity -1 1 0/ilink cl;
estimate 'age +40 vs 30-39' Age_category2 -1 1 0/ilink cl;
run; I also attached a screenshot of the output. The convergence process stops already after a few iterations. Is it possible to solve this problem? I have been searching all over the internet but with little result. Thank you all. Kind regards Ruben
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