In each sas program you can use the proc printto procedure to output to a unique text file log. Alternately, you can create a new sas program and preface it with a proc printto procedure and have it run all of your unique sas jobs using %include. Like so: proc printto new log="C:\filepath\log.txt";
%include "C:\filepath\";
%include "C:\filepath\";
/* repeat as necessary */
%include "C:\filepath\"; All the logs from the jobs ran using this sas job will be compiled into your c:\filepath\log.txt file. Of course, that's assuming you are able to avoid using vba in running any of your programs. The new option in the proc printto statement will replace instead of append to the file. If you need a new log every time, you can have sas generate the txt file with a date. proc printto log = "c:\filepath\log_%sysfunc(today,yymmddn6.).txt";
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