proc iml;
use egsim.pjm_sim_sample; read all var {date} into full_date; read all var{col1} into full_pjm_sim1; close; full_year=year(full_date); full_mn=month(full_date); full_elec=full_pjm_sim1||full_mn||full_year; pjm_unique_mns=uniqueby(full_elec,2:3,1:nrow(full_elec));
full_year={}; full_mn={}; full_elec={};
use egsim.macr; read all var{depr} into depr; close;
use egsim.issue_flat_mn; read all var{prod} into prod_mn; close;
no_npv_paths=path_end-path_start+1; npv_total=J(48,no_npv_paths,.); cost=10650000; pjm_paths=t('col1':'col5000'); srec_paths=t('srec_sim1':'srec_sim5000');
do path_index=path_start to path_end; pjm_path=pjm_paths[path_index]; srec_path=srec_paths[path_index]; do index=1 to 48; start=pjm_unique_mns[index]; end=pjm_unique_mns[240+index]-1; use egsim.pjm_sim_sample; read point (start:end) var pjm_path into pjm_sim; read point (start:end) var {date} into date; close; use egsim.srec_sim_sample; read point (index:(120+index-1)) var srec_path into srec_sim; close;
ebt={}; cashflow={}; net_income={}; tax={}; pv={}; elec_rev={}; total_rev={}; rev={}; ebitda={}; prod_daily={}; fixed_OM={}; ebit={}; ebt_temp={}; tax_rate=(0.35+0.0897); if year(date[1])=2019 then ITC=0.3; else if year(date[1])=2020 then ITC=0.26; else if year(date[1])=2021 then ITC=0.22; else ITC=0.1; renumer=cost#ITC; debt=cost#0.43;
degrade=t(1||0.995##(1:19))#87600#0.18; do prod_index=1 to 20; yr=pjm_unique_mns[index+12*prod_index]-pjm_unique_mns[index+(prod_index-1)*12]; prod_daily=prod_daily//repeat(degrade[prod_index]/yr,yr,1); end;
elec_day=pjm_sim#prod_daily; srec_rev=srec_sim#prod_mn[1:120,]; elec_day=month(date)||year(date)||elec_day;
do mn_index=1 to nrow(unique_rows); /* Next line is for the last BY group */ if mn_index=nrow(unique_rows) then group_index=unique_rows[mn_index]:nrow(elec_day); else group_index=unique_rows[mn_index]:unique_rows[mn_index+1]-1; submat=elec_day[group_index,]; elec_rev=elec_rev//submat[+,3]; end;
rev1=srec_rev+elec_rev[nrow(srec_rev),]; rev2=elec_rev[(nrow(srec_rev)+1):nrow(elec_rev),]; rev=rev1//rev2;
/*call series(1:nrow(rev),rev);*/ do i=1 to 20; total_rev=total_rev//sum(rev[(i-1)*12+1:i*12,]); end; do i=1 to 20; fixed_OM=fixed_OM//9#sum(prod_mn[(i-1)*12+1:i*12,])/8760*1000; end;
ebitda=total_rev-fixed_OM; depr_val=depr#cost; ebit1=ebitda[1:nrow(depr_val),]-depr_val; ebit2=ebitda[nrow(depr_val)+1:nrow(ebitda),]; ebit=ebit1//ebit2;
/*print ebit;*/
ebt=ebit[1:nrow(ir_pay),]-ir_pay; ebt=ebt//ebit[nrow(ebt)+1:nrow(ebit),];
/*The ifn function is the same as ifelse function in R*/ tax=ifn(ebt<0,0,.); /*There is no concern about accumuated loss for the first cashflow*/ if tax[1]=. then tax[1]=ebt[1]#tax_rate; /*The first pass of looping handles the situation where you have 2 or more years of loss and cannot get positive cashflow by the following year */ do i=1 to nrow(ebt)-1; if ebt[i,]<0 then do;
ebt_temp=sum(ebt[i:i+1,]); if ebt_temp<0 then do; tax[i+1,]=0; j=1; /*The until situation handles the situation that the accumulated loss might still cannot be offset after 20 years or the accumulated loss is longer than 15 years*/
do until(ebt_temp>0 | i+j>20 |j>15); ebt_temp=sum(ebt[i:i+j,]); /*The following sentence fill in 0 for all intermediate cashflows which cannot offset accumulated losses*/ tax[i+j-1,]=0; j=j+1; end; /*The max function is to handle the situation if you have accumulated losses after 20 years then the tax should be zero */ tax[i+j-1,]=max(ebt_temp#tax_rate,0); end; end; end;
/*The second pass of looping handles the situation where you have 1 or 0 year of loss and get positive cashflow by the following year. Or you just have positive cashflows without accumulated losses and must be taxed on them. */ do i=2 to nrow(tax); if tax[i]=. then do; if ebt[i]>0 & ebt[i-1]<0 then tax[i]=(ebt[i]+ebt[i-1])#tax_rate; if ebt[i]>0 & ebt[i-1]>0 then tax[i]=ebt[i]#tax_rate; end; end;
net_income=ebt-tax; /*call series(1:20, total_rev);*/ cashflow=depr_val+net_income[1:nrow(depr),]; cashflow=cashflow//net_income[nrow(depr)+1:nrow(net_income),]; /*print cashflow depr_val net_income;*/ rate=t(1/((1+0.072)##(1:20))); pv=sum(cashflow#rate); npv=pv+renumer/(1+0.072)-cost; npv_pos=path_index-path_start+1; npv_total[index,npv_pos]=npv;
end; end;
Hi Rick, since computation also involves looping for 1 path, my logic is to control the number of observations by using the "read point () var{} into" technique. You can see that I initialize all intermediate matrix by creating empty ones and fill them up later. So each loop should clear these matrices first from the previous loop and start over. I don't understand why I don't have enough memory.
I can get the calculation for 10 paths but not for 100 paths. I attached a sample of 50 paths for both simulated variables. You can download all files to run the code.
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