PROC IML/ CASE SCHILLER/REPEAT SALES INDEX Posted 2 hours ago (19 views) Hi Everyone. I am quite stuck. I inherited a house price index model which is founded on the case schiller methodology and uses a proc iml/matrix function to calculate the betas of the model. Problem is, we have tried to work through the code but cannot make sense of why the matrix approach was applied. If any, is there something I can use to replace this function with? (I'm taking a shot in the dark here). Also, a lambda of five is used in the HP filter Code: proc iml; /**************************************** Reading the data into a iml matrix *****************************************/ Use price3; /*price = j(2000000,482,0);*/ /*(number of transactions, number of date points,fill with zeros) = creating the size of the matrix price3 */ read all into price; /************************************************************ Creating the X and Y matrix Y is a matrix containing all the data for the first month of the entire time period (bases time step) and its size one by (number of transactions) X is a matrix containing the data point from the second time period to the last time period of all the transactions, and its size is (time steps -1) by (amount of transactions) *************************************************************/ X = price[,2:ncol(price)]; Y = Price[,1]; /************************************************************* In order to compute beta according to the Case Shiller method You have to change the first price in each row of the X matrix to a negative value and keep the second price the same, except if the transactions first price falls within the bases time period thus in the Y matrix then the first and only price in the X matrix row stays positive. **************************************************************/ do i = 1 to nrow(x); one = 0; if y[i,1] > 0 then do j = 1 to ncol(x); x[i,j] = x[i,j]; end; else do j = 1 to ncol(x); if one = 0 then x[i,j] = x[i,j]*-1 ; else x[i,j] = x[i,j]; one = x[i,j]+one; end; end; /************************************************************* Z is basically the X matrix except that the price is changed to one thus where there is a negative price in X there is -1 in Z and where there is a positive price in X there is a 1 in Z else the rest stays zero. **************************************************************/ Z = j(nrow(x),ncol(x),1); do i = 1 to nrow(x); do j = 1 to ncol(x); if x[i,j] = 0 then z[i,j] = 0; if x[i,j] > 0 then z[i,j] = 1; if x[i,j] < 0 then z[i,j] = -1; end; end; /************************************************************** Now we compute Beta with the Case Shiller method using the matrix Y, X and Z ***************************************************************/ B_inv_est = inv(Z`*X)*(Z`*Y); B_est = 1/B_inv_est; /************************************************************** The following steps computes the weighted Beta were transaction further apart is weighted less than transaction close to each other, but this calculation uses a lot of space and thus cannot be computed on my sas server. ***************************************************************/ /*q = Y-(X*B_inv_est); w = j(nrow(q),nrow(q),0); do i = 1 to nrow(q); do j = 1 to nrow(q); if i = j then w[i,j] = w[i,j]+q[i]; else w[i,j]= 0 ; end; end; B_inv_weight = inv((X`)*(W**2)*X)*((X`)*(W**2)*Y); B_weight = 1/B_inv_weight;*/ print B_inv_est B_est /*B_inv_weight B_weight*/; create B_est ; /** create data set **/ append; /** write data in vectors **/ close B_est; /** close the data set **/ quit; data B_est; set work.B_EST; where B_EST > 0.0000001; N = _N_; run; proc expand data=B_est out=B_est_HP_T5 method=none; id N; /* by B_est;*/ convert B_est = HP_B_est/ transformout=(HP_T 5); run;
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