You could also parallel run the tasks and see if that improves performance. Here is general code to deal with it. try it in your application. The issue with this may be an I/O bound problem but worth a shot.
options noxwait noxsync;
%let sasexe_options = -nosplash ;
data _null_ ;
file "c:\temp\test1.cmd" ;
put "sas -sysin 'c:\temp\' -nosplash -log 'c:\temp\test1.log'";
file "c:\temp\test2.cmd" ;
put "sas -sysin 'c:\temp\' -nosplash -log 'c:\temp\test2.log'";
systask kill test1 test2;
systask command "c:\temp\test1.cmd" taskname=test1;
systask command "c:\temp\test2.cmd" taskname=test2;
waitfor _all_ test1 test2;
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