I'm creating plots from proc univariate or proc sgplot. It seems that the system always automatically adds a "1" at the end of my imagename. In the example below, it will give me a plot names "abcde1".
ods graphics on / reset width=8in height=6in imagename="abcde";
proc univariate data=Stats;
var x;
histogram / midpoints=10 to 100 by 10;
Any clue how to get rid of this? Thanks!
Here you go. Code with results. HTML is the only thing selected under EG results formats.
Specifying reset=index doesn't change the behavior. If I uncheck HTML in the SAS EG results viewer page and run the code below then it does not add a number to the end of abcde in the name of the .png file.
ods html path="/rtpnfil02/rtpnfil02_vol6/CSDS/CENTER/dhw/Test/" gpath="/rtpnfil02/rtpnfil02_vol6/CSDS/CENTER/dhw/Test";
ods graphics on / reset width=8in height=6in imagename="abcde" ;
proc univariate data=sashelp.class;
var weight;
histogram / midpoints=10 to 100 by 10;
ods html close;
I'm creating plots from proc univariate or proc sgplot. It seems that the system always automatically adds a "1" at the end of my imagename. In the example below, it will give me a plot names "abcde1".
ods graphics on / reset width=8in height=6in imagename="abcde";
proc univariate data=Stats;
var x;
histogram / midpoints=10 to 100 by 10;
Any clue how to get rid of this? Thanks!
I don't see this. When does it happen for you?
ods html file="%sysfunc(pathname(WORK))\abcde.htm" ;
ods graphics on / reset width=8in height=6in imagename="abcde";
proc univariate data=sashelp.class;
var weight;
histogram / midpoints=10 to 100 by 10;
ods html close;
It happened repeatedly. I don't have that "ods html" envelope (below) outside of ods graphics, because I only need the picture file but not the html. Could this be why?
ods html file="%sysfunc(pathname(WORK))\abcde.htm" ;
ods html close;
Where do you see a different name?
Thanks for your reply.
Like "abcde1.png" in my folder. Really weird.
Ok, I think I've figured out the issue following this post:
But their solution did not work. In other words, adding ODS HTML close (or ODS LISTING CLOSE) did not work when I was trying a different type of output. What I had to go was go into the EG settings (Tools->Option>-Results) and uncheck HTML. After doing that, the example code posted above, modified to use a listing output, produced an image name with no index attached.
What's happening is that there are two ODS outputs open; listing and html and that's why the index is showing up. Closing the HTML output leaves one output and no index appears in your image name.
ods graphics on / reset=index
That didn't work for me. I have the same issue as the original poster. The issue turns out to be, at least for me using SAS EG, that there is a default HTML destination opened in SAS EG, opened even if you don't specify ODS HTML; in your code, and I had to turn off the default HTML results destination in SAS EG before I could get the index to be suppressed.
@Ksharp wrote:Try
ods graphics on / reset=index
Here you go. Code with results. HTML is the only thing selected under EG results formats.
Specifying reset=index doesn't change the behavior. If I uncheck HTML in the SAS EG results viewer page and run the code below then it does not add a number to the end of abcde in the name of the .png file.
ods html path="/rtpnfil02/rtpnfil02_vol6/CSDS/CENTER/dhw/Test/" gpath="/rtpnfil02/rtpnfil02_vol6/CSDS/CENTER/dhw/Test";
ods graphics on / reset width=8in height=6in imagename="abcde" ;
proc univariate data=sashelp.class;
var weight;
histogram / midpoints=10 to 100 by 10;
ods html close;
reset=INDEX solved my problem. Thanks!!
I've dealt with the same issue for various projects and I FINALLY figured out what I was doing wrong.
This will NOT work:
ODS GRAPHICS / reset=index IMAGENAME="my_map" IMAGEFMT=png NOBORDER; ODS HTML PATH="X:\abc\def" (URL=none); PROC SGMAP MAPDATA=data1 MAPRESPDATA=data2 NOAUTOLEGEND; ESRIMAP URL='http://services.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/Canvas/World_Light_Gray_Base'; CHOROMAP abc / MAPID=def ID=def DISCRETE; RUN;
But this DOES work:
ODS HTML PATH="X:\abc\def" (URL=none); ODS GRAPHICS / reset=index IMAGENAME="my_map" IMAGEFMT=png NOBORDER; PROC SGMAP MAPDATA=data1 MAPRESPDATA=data2 NOAUTOLEGEND; ESRIMAP URL='http://services.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/Canvas/World_Light_Gray_Base'; CHOROMAP abc / MAPID=def ID=def DISCRETE; RUN;
Note the order - as long as the ODS GRAPHICS statement is listed below/after the ODS HTML statement, then this works. If it's flipped like I showed in the first code snippet, the code will create a file called 'my_map1.png'.
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