Hi, I would like to estimate direct adjusted survival curve for interval censored data using ICPHREG. Unlike PHREG, ICPHREG doesn't have an option DIRADJ. I calculated the point estimate by simply taking the mean of all the estimated survival probability using covariates in the dataset. However, I have no idea how to calculate SE of the estimated survival probability... Here is my code; data cov; set &DS; keep age_at_1stvisit SBP HDLCh TG BS UA &VA; if (SBP=. or HDLCh=. or TG=. or BS=. or UA=.) then delete; &VA=0; output; &VA=1; output; run; proc icphreg data=&DS ; class &VA (ref=first); model (lower, upper) = age_at_1stvisit &VA SBP HDLCh TG BS UA / basehaz=splines (DF=1); baseline out=a covariates=cov timelist=10 survival=s ; run; proc sort data=a; by &VA; run; proc means data=a; class &VA; var s ; output out=b mean=; run; proc print data=a; run; Thank you in advance! Mitsuko
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