Hello! I encountered a weird error while trying to use PROC SGPANEL, error message pasted at the bottom since it's long. The one thread I found on this suggested it might be caused by some strange character, but I don't have any weird characters in my data, there aren't any macros, and I haven't copied/pasted it to a word processor. Here is my code:
proc sgpanel data=example;
panelby disease;
series x=year y=proportion / group=sortvar;
keylegend / title="Legend Title";
rowaxis label="Year";
colaxis label="Proportion";
format sortvar sortvarf. disease diseasef.;
title "Graph Title";
Example data below. I created the table via some SQL queries, the table looks fine to me but I can share those queries if that would be helpful.
data example;
input year disease sortvar count1 count2 proportion;
2010 1 0 64 240 0.267
2010 1 1 6 8 0.750
2010 2 0 171 572 0.299
2010 2 1 89 233 0.382
Thank you for the help!
ERROR: An exception has been encountered. Please contact technical support and provide them with the following traceback information:
The SAS task name is [SGPANEL] ERROR: Read Access Violation SGPANEL Exception occurred at (06882F72) Task Traceback Address Frame (DBGHELP API Version 4.0 rev 5) 0000000006882F72 000000003504F560 sasods:tkvercn1+0x181F32 000000000D329C3A 000000003504F568 sasxml:tkvercn1+0x48BFA 000000000D30EF48 000000003504FB80 sasxml:tkvercn1+0x2DF08 0000000006921D0A 000000003504FBC0 sasods:tkvercn1+0x220CCA 0000000006884769 0000000035050080 sasods:tkvercn1+0x183729 000000000E1D831A 0000000035050088 sasmrk:tkvercn1+0x1172DA 000000000E14251E 0000000035050830 sasmrk:tkvercn1+0x814DE 000000002D6A1BDA 0000000035050838 sasstgr:tkvercn1+0x90B9A 000000002D61C289 0000000035050A00 sasstgr:tkvercn1+0xB249 000000002D66A100 0000000035051070 sasstgr:tkvercn1+0x590C0 0000000008A9C09A 0000000035051078 saswobc:tkvercn1+0x1B05A 0000000008A8BE65 0000000035051180 saswobc:tkvercn1+0xAE25 000000002D6A1BDA 00000000350511C0 sasstgr:tkvercn1+0x90B9A 000000002D627B84 0000000035051240 sasstgr:tkvercn1+0x16B44 000000002D6A1BDA 0000000035051280 sasstgr:tkvercn1+0x90B9A 000000002D66A4DF 00000000350518F0 sasstgr:tkvercn1+0x5949F 0000000008A9C09A 0000000035051930 saswobc:tkvercn1+0x1B05A 0000000008A8BE65 0000000035051A00 saswobc:tkvercn1+0xAE25 000000002D6A1BDA 0000000035051A40 sasstgr:tkvercn1+0x90B9A 000000002D627B84 0000000035051AC0 sasstgr:tkvercn1+0x16B44 000000002D6A1BDA 0000000035051B00 sasstgr:tkvercn1+0x90B9A 000000002D62CB86 0000000035052770 sasstgr:tkvercn1+0x1BB46 000000002D6A1BDA 00000000350527B0 sasstgr:tkvercn1+0x90B9A 000000002D67C388 0000000035052830 sasstgr:tkvercn1+0x6B348 000000002D6A1BDA 0000000035052870 sasstgr:tkvercn1+0x90B9A 000000002D689D20 0000000035052D50 sasstgr:tkvercn1+0x78CE0 000000002D6A1BDA 0000000035052D90 sasstgr:tkvercn1+0x90B9A 000000002D687F74 0000000035053980 sasstgr:tkvercn1+0x76F34 000000002D6A1BDA 00000000350539C0 sasstgr:tkvercn1+0x90B9A 000000002D68CAB5 0000000035053A30 sasstgr:tkvercn1+0x7BA75 0000000006921D0A 0000000035053A70 sasods:tkvercn1+0x220CCA 0000000006755CFD 0000000035053D10 sasods:tkvercn1+0x54CBD 0000000006754F4D 0000000035053FE0 sasods:tkvercn1+0x53F0D 0000000006921D0A 0000000035054020 sasods:tkvercn1+0x220CCA 000000000677B902 0000000035059330 sasods:tkvercn1+0x7A8C2 0000000033FB42AA 0000000035059338 sassgpan:tkvercn1+0xC326A 0000000033F2EE29 000000003505FBB0 sassgpan:tkvercn1+0x3DDE9 00000000034AA346 000000003505FBB8 sashost:Main+0x11E86 00000000034B040D 000000003505FF20 sashost:Main+0x17F4D 00007FF9194A7034 000000003505FF28 KERNEL32:BaseThreadInitThunk+0x14 00007FF91A3E2651 000000003505FF58 ntdll:RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
NEWLINE FUNCTION NOT DEFINED IN THIS TAGSET NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors. NOTE: PROCEDURE SGPANEL used (Total process time): real time 0.09 seconds cpu time 0.04 seconds
ERROR: Event Stack Underflow. This is probably caused by mis-matched begin and end event calls. NOTE: There were 54 observations read from the data set WORK.EXAMPLE
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