Dear All,
I face an insufficient memory error when I excute PROC SURVEYREG using a quite large sample (N >= 200,000).
I have two sets of fixed effects, but the numbers of indicator variables included (i.e., fixed effects) are not so large: One with just three and the other with about 30.
I also include two sets of clustering variables, each of which has about 2,500 clusters. When the two cluster variables are considered together, there are about 100,000 clusters.
The message that I've got is: "ERROR: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of insufficient memory."
It has been discussed in a previous forum, but I never saw a solution. I'm wondering if there is a way for me to overcome this issue. Just to show how I coded, I provide my SAS code using dataset.
proc surveyreg data=;
class Make DriveTrain;
cluster type origin;
model Weight= Wheelbase Length Make DriveTrain/ solution ;
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