I regularly have a requirement to convert files that I receive in sas7bdat format to csv. Currently, what I do is a very manual and idividualized process where I need to log into the SAS Enterprise Guide, change the filenames in the procedure, and run the procedure for each file that needs to be converted. Is there any way to set up the program where it would run automatically (or with a variabe input) that could be called from some sort ofexecutable/script? I was thinking one of two possible solutions might work: When the procedure is run, it scans $location for SAS datasets, and converts them to csv files. The procedure gets a variable of $fileName fed to it (maybe when it gets called through a powershell/linux script), and proceeds to convert that file. Is something like that feasible? My main goals are to limit the steps I need to go through when converting the files, as well as possibly making this process automatic/self-service where I wouldn't need to manually covert the files each time I receive a request. For reference, the code that I currently use is: libname aa '\\path\wher\file\is\located';
proc export data=aa.file
run; Thanks in advance! I am new to SAS, so I hope what I'm writing makes sense. If there's anything I could clarify, please let me know.
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