Hi, I would like to rerun and update the dataset 'eg' when another user has it open. To achieve this task, I have created eg.SAS7BDAT dataset in the library called 'test' and set the password to the dataset with the proc datasets option as below. But, when I'm trying to refresh the dataset (when another user has it open), it is throwing lock is not available message as below. ERROR: A lock is not available for TEST.EG.DATA. is there any way to overcome this issue? Any help is much appreciated. (Sample code that I'm trying is below) proc datasets memtype = data library = test nolist; modify eg (write = dummy/ alter = dummy/); *Removes the password dummy; run; quit; data test.eg; set final; run; proc datasets memtype = data library = test pw = vrtx nolist; modify eg (write = dummy alter = dummy); *Set the password dummy; run; quit;
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