I tried to add reference line label and X-axis label using drawtext statement in proc template in order to avoid overlapping with X-axis tick value. However the added labels are not displayed correctly which seems due to small space between figure border and x-axis.Could you help me figure out what's wrong with my code? Here is my code, /*--Define template--*/ proc template; define statgraph RefLineLabel ; begingraph; entrytitle ""; layout overlay/XAXISOPTS=(linearopts=(viewmax=200) ) YAXISOPTS=(label='Fold increase over baseline'); seriesplot x=studyday y=aval2base / name='a' display=all; referenceline x=eventday / /*curvelabel=event*/ lineattrs=(color=red pattern=dot) curvelabellocation=outside CURVELABELPOSITION=auto curvelabelattrs=(color=red); drawtext textattrs=(color=black size=15) "Days" /Y=0.5 x=50 yspace=graphpercent xspace=graphpercent width=50 justify=center layer=front; drawtext textattrs=(color=red size=15) "Adverse event" /Y=-5 x=3 xspace=datavalue yspace=datapercent rotate=90 anchor=top width=15 justify=center; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; /*--Create Graph--*/ proc sgrender data=example template=RefLineLabel; run; Here is my figure
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