here is some of the log - hope the errtos can be avoided. I get however data out when I run it now. 211 /*---- Start of User Written Code ----*/ 212 213 data &_OUTPUT1.; 214 length 215 fref dref $8 216 fname $200 217 ; 218 rc = filename(dref,'/sas/config/compute/Lev1/SASLogs'); 219 did = dopen(dref); 220 if did 7 The SAS System 08:53 Friday, July 30, 2021 221 then do; 222 do i = 1 to dnum(did); 223 fname = dread(did,i); 224 rc = filename(fref,’/sas/config/compute/Lev1/SASLogs/' !! fname); 225 fid = fopen(fref); 226 if fid 227 then do; 228 size = finfo(fid,foptname(fid,6)); 229 modified = finfo(fid,foptname(fid,5)); 230 output; 231 rc = fclose(fid); 232 end; 233 rc = filename(fref); 234 end; 235 rc = dclose(did); 236 end; 237 rc = filename(dref); 238 keep fname size modified; 239 run; INFO: Character variables have defaulted to a length of 200 at the places given by: (Line):(Column). Truncation can result. 228:7 size 229:7 modified ERROR: Resource is write-locked by another user. File /sas/config/compute/Lev1/SASLogs/XXXX_2021.07.30_05.56.26.log. System Error Code = 11. ERROR: Resource is write-locked by another user. File =/sas/config/compute/Lev1/SASLogs/XXXX_2021.07.30_05.56.30.log. System Error Code = 11. ERROR: Resource is write-locked by another user. File =/sas/config/compute/Lev1/SASLogs/XXXX _2021.07.30_06.16. 25.log. System Error Code = 11.
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