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Latest posts by EddieJackson
Subject Views Posted 1266 07-12-2019 11:01 PM 1317 07-11-2019 09:25 PM 786 07-11-2019 09:01 PM 828 07-11-2019 10:11 AM 1042 01-29-2019 09:29 PM -
Activity Feed for EddieJackson
- Posted Re: t test with surveyfreq on New SAS User. 07-12-2019 11:01 PM
- Posted t test with surveyfreq on New SAS User. 07-11-2019 09:25 PM
- Posted Re: surveyfreq chi square on New SAS User. 07-11-2019 09:01 PM
- Posted surveyfreq chi square on New SAS User. 07-11-2019 10:11 AM
- Posted How to run t-test between 2 files on SAS Programming. 01-29-2019 09:29 PM
11:01 PM
I looked at he documentation provided, and came up with the following code which spit out a t value. PROC SURVEYMEANS DATA= Analysis.Analysis; cluster HOSP_NRD; strata NRD_STRATUM; weight DISCWT; VAR Age; DOMAIN CKD/diffmeans; RUN; Do you think this code is correct? Why is it that the output N's are still the unweighted N's rather than weighted N's (my weighted N's should be much higher) If I do a simple proc t-test the results are similar but again, the N's are unweighted. proc ttest data=Analysis.Analysis; weight DISCWT; class CKD; var Age; run;
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09:25 PM
Hi all, thanks in advance. I've been searching for a while and haven't been able to be successful to find a solution. I'm looking at a bunch of survey data, and running the chi-square tests for categorical variables have been straightfoward with the following code that I'm using: PROC SURVEYFREQ DATA=xxx; cluster yyy; strata zzz; weight aaa; VAR Kidney*Gender/row chisq; RUN; I have been trouble coming up with the code to run the t-tests similarly for continuous variables however. Could someone give me an example? The proc t-test doesn't seem appropriate for the large weighted survey data - is there a similar way to do this with surveymeans? Thanks.
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10:11 AM
Quick question about the chi square from the surveyfreq command, I'll enter something like the following: PROC SURVEYFREQ DATA= code; CLUSTER xxxx; STRATA xxx; weight xx; TABLE obesity*gender/chisq; RUN; I get a chi square result. However if I double check this result with any online 2x2 table calculator, the p-value is different. However if I do a regular PROC FREQ chisquare instead of surveyfreq, the p-value checks out with all those online calculators. Am I doing something wrong with the surveyfreq command? Or is the calculation intrinsically different for a surveyfreq such that it won't check out with the online calculators like regular proc freq does? Thanks
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09:29 PM
Hi, I am trying to run a t-test on a variable that is present in 2 large datasets that are already created as SAS datasets. Example: trying to run a t-test between 2 "Age" groups in 2 different files File 1: n = 5,000 File 2: n = 150,000 Is there a way to easily run the t-test between these files without actually combining the files? I've googled and all I find is how to do the t-test within one file or with the infile approach. Thanks.
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