We changed SAS Grid authentication services from SSSD to Winbind, This was done to overcome SAMBA share enablement of each Node(5). SAS Version : 9.4 m4 PM version : 9.1 We are able make SAS Grid Application up and authenticated it to Workspace server using AD Credentials., Currently issue with we are connecting Flow Manager job scheduler which uses LB passthru to connect Process Platform Manager (PPM) and LSF. Old scheduled jobs are running fine... But unable to connect and generate new Jobs in application Below step taken to perform the activity : 1.Take backup of current config file /etc/sssd/sssd.conf Stop SSSD # realm leave # net ads leave –U administrator # realm list # net ads info # ps aux | grep sssd 2. Configuring Winbind # net ads join <AD server name> –U administrator # net ads info # ps aux | grep winbind # id <username> 3. Take backup of existing smb.conf & Change id-mapping in smb.conf Comment below line idmap config * : backend = tdb Add below lines idmap config * : backend = autorid idmap config * : range = 1368200000-136820000000 idmap config * : rangesize = 2000000 winbind refresh tickets = yes winbind offline logon = yes winbind use default domain = yes # cat /etc/samba/smb.conf | grep -v ^# | grep idmap # service smb stop; service winbind stop; rm -rf /var/lib/samba/*.tdb /var/log/samba/*; net cache flush; service smb start; service winbind start # id <username> 4. Changes made in sasauth file as below Link http://support.sas.com/kb/49/432.html Error : User are getting below Error and even we are not able to authenticate in flow manager. Kindly let us know if any steps or configuration need to be done. Re: Grid deamons @sasadmin1
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