Hi, I am having trouble implementing SEGLABELS for each segment and total above the bars in a stacked column chart. Could I get some assistance on how to implement this inside my code? The code prints 2 charts as you will see, the latter chart is the main chart in-use once the previous code completes it's final sort. Thank you for your time. Code: /* Set the graphics environment */ goptions reset=all cback=white border htitle=12pt htext=12pt; /* Calculate totals for Closed_Date and Close_Reason */ proc means data=work.dailyclosures noprint; by Closed_Date; class Close_Reason; var Closures; output out=closure1(where=(_type_=1)) sum=; run; /* Within Closed_Date (the midpoint) make highest sales come first */ proc sort data=closure1; by Closed_Date descending Closures Close_Reason; run; /* The code below generates the default results. */ title1 'MTD Closures October 19, 2018'; legend1 label=('Close Reason') ; pattern1 color=CX66A5A0 value=l3; pattern2 color=CX7C95CA value=solid; pattern3 color=CX94BDE1 value=solid; pattern4 color=CXDE7E6F value=solid; pattern5 color=CXA9865B value=r3; pattern6 color=CXBABC5C value=solid; pattern7 color=CXB689CD value=solid; pattern8 color=CXCD7BA1 value=solid; axis1 label=none split='/' value=(height=1) value=(height=.7 "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12" "13" "14" "15" "16" "17" "18" "19"); axis2 minor=(number=3) label=(angle=90 height=1 "Total Closures") value=(height=1 "0" "10" "20" "30" "40" "50" "60" "70" "80" "90" "100"); proc gchart data=closure1; vbar Closed_Date / sumvar=Closures subgroup=Close_Reason legend=legend1 maxis=axis1 raxis=axis2 space=8 type = sum midpoints=('01oct2018'd to '19oct2018'd); run; quit; /* The code below reorders the subgroups. */ goptions reset=all cback=white border htitle=12pt htext=12pt; /* Create a RANK variable. This will be used as the SUMVAR= */ /* variable to ensure that the Close_Reason with the highest sales */ /* is drawn at the bottom of each bar. */ /* Assign a color and pattern value for each Close_Reason. */ /* Assign color and pattern values to a macro variable. Each */ /* observation creates one macro variable. This ensures that */ /* each Close_Reason has the same color and pattern across midpoints */ /* even though the RANK value is different for each Close_Reason. */ data closure2; set closure1 end=eof; by Closed_Date descending Closures Close_Reason; length color $20 value $5; Closed_Date = tranwrd(strip(Closed_Date)," ","/"); rank + 1; select; when (Close_Reason="Test") do; color="CX66A5A0"; value="L3"; end; when (Close_Reason="Test1") do; color="CX7C95CA"; value="solid"; end; when (Close_Reason="Test2") do; color="CX94BDE1"; value="solid"; end; when (Close_Reason="Test3") do; color="CX9B58A6"; value="R3"; end; when (Close_Reason="Test4") do; color="CXBDB2BF"; value="solid"; end; otherwise; end; if eof then call symput('tot',trim(left(put(_n_,8.)))); call symput('pattern'||trim(left(put(_n_,8.))),'color=' || color || ' value=' || value ||';'); run; /* Define and execute the macro to create the PATTERN statements */ %macro pattern; %do j=1 %to &tot; pattern&j &&pattern&j; %end; %mend pattern; %pattern; /* Keep one observation for each Close_Reason */ proc sort data=closure2 out=unqshoes nodupkey; by Close_Reason; run; /* Create macro variables to use in the legend. */ /* ORD contains the list of ranks that will be */ /* used in the ORDER= option. */ /* VAL contains the list of Close_Reason names that */ /* will be used in the VALUE= option. */ data _null_; set unqshoes end=eof; length ord val $600; retain ord val ' '; ord = trim(left(ord)) || ' ' || trim(left(put(rank,12.))); val = trim(left(val)) || ' "' || Close_Reason || '"'; if eof then do; call symput('ord', ord); call symput('val', val); end; run; title1 "MTD Closures October 19, 2018"; legend1 label=('Close Reason') order=(&ord) value=(j=l &val); axis1 label=none split='/' value=(height=1) value=(height=.7 "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12" "13" "14" "15" "16" "17" "18" "19"); ; axis2 minor=(number=3) label=(angle=90 height=1.25 "Total Closures") value=(height=1 "0" "10" "20" "30" "40" "50" "60" "70" "80" "90" "100"); proc gchart data=closure2; vbar Closed_Date / sumvar=Closures subgroup=rank legend=legend1 maxis=axis1 raxis=axis2 space=.5 type = sum midpoints=('01oct2018'd to '19oct2018'd); run; quit;
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