Hello guys! I just start teaching myself to use SAS and sinceI have very little experience with programming languages. I would be very appreciative of any help with this problem! like how to set the variable with percentage of total observations. DATA school; INPUT age quiz : $1. midterm final; /* Add your code here */ DATALINES; 12 A 92 95 12 B 88 88 13 C 78 75 13 A 92 93 12 F 55 62 13 B 88 82 ; RUN; The quiz grades have numerical equivalents as follows: A = 95, B = 85, C = 75, D = 70, and F = 65. Using this information, compute a new variable called course that represents the final grade for each student. The final grade is a weighted average of all grades where quiz grades are worth 30%, midterm grades are worth 30%, and final grades are worth 40%.
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