This is the code I use to make the attribute map: data attrmap; length linecolor $ 10 markercolor $ 10; input id $ value linecolor markercolor; datalines; pool 1 red red pool 2 blue blue ; run;
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Hi, I'm using a dattrmap dataset to set line colors in SGPLOT. When I run the program interactively, everything works fine, but when I run it in batch mode, I get the warning 'Invalid attrid "POOL" specified' and the color is not changed according to the value of POOL. Can anyone help? I need to run it in batch mode. Host information: X64_10PRO WIN 10.0.19041 Workstation. Thanks,
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Thanks again. I'm very interested in Aalen's additive hazard regression model. Can you also tell if this specific method is available in a procedure?
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Thanks a lot for the information. I will look at it. Can I confirm then that Aalen's model and other cox alternatives have not yet been added to any SAS procedure, so I will need a macro?
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I want to use an additive hazards regression model (e.g. Aalen's model) instead of Cox regression, since my data shows non-proportional hazards. Can anyone tell if there is a simple way to do this in SAS? -Thanks.
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