Hey all. I want to create a table with multiple histograms all of which will have different x-axis scales. Here is some code I have tried on 9.3, where the same axis scale is automatically picked. data test; drop i; do group='A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H'; do i=1 to 100; if group='A' then x=25 + 8*rannor(2345); else x=1500 + 8*rannor(12345); output; end; end; run; title 'Comparative plots'; proc univariate data=test noprint; class group; var x; histogram x / vscale=count normal(noprint) ncols=4; inset normal(mu sigma); run; title; Notice that if I replace 1500 with a number closer to 25, say 30, the plots look much better. I would appreciate any help
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