@ANKH1 wrote:
proc glimmix data=mydata method=laplace;
Hi! I found out that you can choose the method (example laplace) by adding the statement above.
There's an "inter-play" between several statements and options.
Several estimation methods of the GLIMMIX procedure (METHOD=RSPL, MSPL, RMPL, MMPL) are doubly iterative.
The NLOPTIONS statement controls the inner iterations. The outer iteration behavior can be controlled with options in the PROC GLIMMIX statement, such as the MAXLMMUPDATE=, PCONV=, and ABSPCONV= options. If the estimation method involves a singly iterative approach, then there is no need for the outer cycling and the model is fit in a single optimization controlled by the NLOPTIONS statement (see the section Singly or Doubly Iterative Fitting).
Note that in a GLMM with pseudo-likelihood estimation, specifying TECHNIQUE=NONE has the same effect as specifying the NOITER option in the PARMS statement. If you estimate the parameters by METHOD=LAPLACE or METHOD=QUAD, TECHNIQUE=NONE applies to the optimization after starting values have been determined.
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Br, Koen
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