Hi, I am trying to upload a csv file from SAS to Sharefile dropbox using the below code. When I run the below code, I get 'Physical file does not exist' error. I guess it is not able to translate/read the dropbox URL. Has anyone done something similar before? filename _inbox "https://XXXX.sharefile.com/f/XXXX-f9a8-41b0-8a8f-XXXX";/* Path of the Folder where we wish to upload the document */
filename class "/staff/XXX/userid/test.txt"; /* Path of the Folder where the document is present */
proc http method="post"
webusername="email@xxx.nz" webpassword="XXXX"
proxyport=8080 in=class
Log snippet as below -
URL = https://XXXX.sharefile.com/f/XXXX-f9a8-41b0-8a8f-XXXX
Proxy Host = http://xxxx.corp.xxx.abc.nz
Proxy Port = 8080
METHOD = post
CT = application/x-www-form-urlencoded
In = /staff/xxxx/userid/test.txt
Out =
Web Auth User Name = email@xxx.nz
38 run;
ERROR: Physical file does not exist,
ERROR: Generic HTTP Client Error
NOTE: PROCEDURE HTTP used (Total process time):
real time 0.28 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
2 The SAS System 10:55 Wednesday, September 26, 2018
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors. Thanks
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