Hi @JIGNESH , The main thing you need is to configure connect between sas 9.4 and SAS Viya. Obtain the CA certificate that was used to sign the certificate that the CAS Server is using. the trusted.pem file usually located at /opt/sas/viya/config/etc/SASSecurityCertificateFramework/cacerts Copy certificate to SAS94 server into a directory where all users can read the trusted.pem file(chmod 755) On the SAS94 server where WorkspaceServer works, set environment variable CAS_CLIENT_SSL_CA_LIST= to the trust list that the client uses to connect to the server. Add the same env variable into sasenv_loca file ( /app/sas/94/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/bin/sasenv_local) I am using DI 4.903 and as @LinusH mentioned it has the special transformation for loading tables into CAS (SAS Viya). This link helped me a lot https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Communities-Library/CAS-and-SAS-Data-Integration-Studio-4-903-on-SAS-9-4M5/ta-p/422068 Note: that you will need to create authinfo file Also, I created the custom script that I am using for loading table into CAS (you can also run it EG) %macro mLoadTableToCAS (mvSASLibname=,mvTableName=, mvTableNameInCAS=, mvCasLibname=);
%macro dummy; %mend dummy;
/* Create CAS session */
cas CASAUTO host="<cas server hostname>" port=5570;
LIBNAME CASRDBP CAS CASLIB=&mvCasLibname PORT=5570 SERVER="<cas server hostname>" ;
%let checkExist=%eval(%sysfunc(exist(CASRDBP.&mvTableNameInCAS, DATA)));
%if (&checkExist) %then %do;
/* Replace target table requested: Drop session table */
proc casutil sessref=&_SESSREF_.;
droptable casdata="&mvTableNameInCAS." incaslib="&mvCasLibname" quiet;
/* Replace target table requested: Drop global table */
proc casutil sessref=&_SESSREF_.;
droptable casdata="&mvTableNameInCAS." incaslib="&mvCasLibname" quiet;
proc casutil outcaslib="&mvCasLibname" sessref=&_SESSREF_.;
load data=&mvSASLibname..&mvTableName casout="&mvTableNameInCAS."
/* Terminate CAS session */
cas CASAUTO terminate;
%mend mLoadTableToCAS;
libname SASLIB '<path>'; /*Please specify libname statement*/
%let mpSaslib=SASLIB;
%let mpCaslib=Public;/*specify CAS library name where you want to load data. By default Public*/
%let mpTableName=<table_name>; /*Please specify table name.*/
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