Hello, I am trying to use a SQL query in SAS to pull some data that is in a SAS library. However, there is an field with XML data that keeps giving me an error if I try to extract the data for a particular month. I assume it's a character that isn't recognized, but I can't actually see the data. All of the other months that I have tried to extract work fine, and my query works if I remove the XML field. Does anyone know how I might be able to adjust the code to fix this? I am using SAS 9.4 Classic. The error that I get is: ERROR: CLI cursor extended fetch error: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/AIX64] SQL20412N Serialization of an XML value resulted in characters that could not be represented in the target encoding. SQLSTATE=2200W The query that I've been running is (Error is in the field USER_EVENT_REMARKS): proc sql; CREATE TABLE psi_privacy AS (SELECT Event.USER_EVENT_SYS_ID, Event.USER_EVENT_USER_ID, Event.USER_EVENT_TMSTMP, Event.USER_EVENT_CODE, Event.USER_EVENT_FUNC_CNTXT_CODE, Event.USER_EVENT_ACCESS_TYPE_CODE, Event.USER_EVENT_CURRENT_ROLES, Event.USER_EVENT_IP_ADDRESS, Event.ORG_FAC_ID, Event.USER_EVENT_REMARKS, J.lab_test_review_result_sys_id, R.PREFERRED_IDENTIFIER, R.PREFERRED_NAME_LAST, R.PREFERRED_NAME_FIRST, C.BIRTH_DATE FROM psiprod.User_Event Event LEFT JOIN psiprod.lab_test_review_result as J ON Event.accessed_entity_sys_id=J.lab_test_review_result_sys_id FULL JOIN psiprod.lab_report as R ON R.lab_report_sys_id = J.lab_report_sys_id FULL JOIN psiprod.lab_rpt_client as C ON C.lab_report_sys_id = J.lab_report_sys_id WHERE month((Event.USER_EVENT_TMSTMP))=&month.); quit;
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