Hi All, We are not able to start LASR server from GUI , could you please help on this issue. Below is the log.Status is coming up as success but LASR server is not starting. By running the libname from SASFoundation and EG, we are able to start the server untill the session lasts. 0 -------------- Task Summary -------------- SUCCESS (SASJob PreCode) SUCCESS (Store Process ID) SUCCESS (Start Server) SUCCESS (Wait For Server) SUCCESS (Remove Process ID) -------------- LOG: SASJob PreCode -------------- 1 The SAS System 04:18 Wednesday, June 19, 2019 NOTE: Copyright (c) 2016 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. NOTE: SAS (r) Proprietary Software 9.4 (TS1M6) Licensed to ORLANDO MAGIC LTD--AMAZON CLOUD, Site 70095169. NOTE: This session is executing on the Linux 3.10.0-957.12.2.el7.x86_64 (LIN X64) platform. NOTE: Analytical products: SAS/STAT 15.1 SAS/ETS 15.1 SAS/OR 15.1 SAS/IML 15.1 NOTE: Additional host information: Linux LIN X64 3.10.0-957.12.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Apr 19 21:09:07 UTC 2019 x86_64 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.6 (Maipo) You are running SAS 9. Some SAS 8 files will be automatically converted by the V9 engine; others are incompatible. Please see http://support.sas.com/rnd/migration/planning/platform/64bit.html PROC MIGRATE will preserve current SAS file attributes and is recommended for converting all your SAS libraries from any SAS 8 release to SAS 9. For details and examples, please see http://support.sas.com/rnd/migration/index.html This message is contained in the SAS news file, and is presented upon initialization. Edit the file "news" in the "misc/base" directory to display site-specific news and information in the program log. The command line option "-nonews" will prevent this display. NOTE: SAS Initialization used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds NOTE: The autoexec file, /sas/sasconfig/Lev1/SASApp1/WorkspaceServer/autoexec.sas, was executed at server initialization. 1 %let _ENCODING=UTF-8; 2 options VALIDVARNAME=ANY VALIDMEMNAME=EXTEND; 3 /* Status Checkpoint Macro */ 4 %macro statuscheckpoint(maxokstatus=4, varstocheck=SYSERR SYSLIBRC SYSDBRC ); 5 6 %GLOBAL LASTSTEPRC; 7 %LET pos=1; 8 %let var=notset; 9 %let var=%SCAN(&varstocheck.,&pos.); 10 %DO %WHILE ("&VAR." ne ""); 11 /* Retrieve the next return code to check */ 12 %if (%symexist(&VAR.)) %then %do; 13 %let val=&&&VAR..; 14 %if (("&VAL." ne "") and %eval(&VAL. > &maxokstatus.)) %then %do; 15 %put FAIL = &VAR.=&VAL. / SYSCC=&SYSCC.; 16 %let LASTSTEPRC=&VAL.; 2 The SAS System 04:18 Wednesday, June 19, 2019 17 %end; 18 %end; 19 %let pos = %eval(&pos.+1); 20 %let var=%SCAN(&varstocheck.,&pos.); 21 %END; 22 %mend; 23 /* Store the process ID in an external file */ 24 %macro CreateProcessIDFile(pidfl); 25 26 %global AL_PIDFILE; 27 data _null_; 28 file "&pidfl." PERMISSION='A::u::rw-,A::g::rw-,A::o::rw-'; 29 put "&SYSJOBID."; 30 run; 31 32 %if ( &SYSERR. le 4 ) %then 33 /* Store away the PIDFILE for future reference */ 34 %let AL_PIDFILE=&pidfl.; 35 36 %mend; 37 /* Remove process ID file */ 38 39 %macro DeleteProcessIDFile; 40 %if %SYMEXIST(AL_PIDFILE) %then %do; 41 data _null_; 42 fname="pidfile"; 43 rc=filename(fname, "&AL_PIDFILE."); 44 if rc=0 and fexist(fname) then 45 rc=fdelete(fname); 46 rc=filename(fname); 47 run; 48 %if ( &SYSERR. eq 0 ) %then %SYMDEL AL_PIDFILE; 49 %end; 50 %mend; -------------- LOG: Store Process ID -------------- 3 The SAS System 04:18 Wednesday, June 19, 2019 51 %statuscheckpoint; FAIL = SYSDBRC=28000 / SYSCC=0 52 /* Skip Next Step If We Have a Bad Status Code */ 53 %macro codeBody; 54 %GLOBAL LASTSTEPRC; 55 %if %symexist(LASTSTEPRC) %then %do; 56 %if %eval(&LASTSTEPRC. <= 4) %then %do; 57 58 %CreateProcessIDFile(/sas/sasconfig/Lev1/Applications/SASVisualAnalytics/VisualAnalyticsAdministrator/Monitoring 58 ! /PIDs/smp_xxxxx_10011.pid); 59 %end; 60 %end; 61 %mend; 62 %codeBody; -------------- LOG: Start Server -------------- 4 The SAS System 04:18 Wednesday, June 19, 2019 63 %statuscheckpoint; FAIL = SYSDBRC=28000 / SYSCC=0 64 /* Skip Next Step If We Have a Bad Status Code */ 65 %macro codeBody; 66 %GLOBAL LASTSTEPRC; 67 %if %symexist(LASTSTEPRC) %then %do; 68 %if %eval(&LASTSTEPRC. <= 4) %then %do; 69 70 /* Start the single-machine LASR server process */ 71 libname ml sasiola startserver= 72 ( 73 PATH="/sas/sasconfig/Lev1/AppData/SASVisualAnalytics/VisualAnalyticsAdministrator/sigfiles" 74 ) 75 76 host="xxxxx.xxxxx.com" port=10011 77 signer="https://xxxxx.com:8343/SASLASRAuthorization" 78 ; 79 80 %end; 81 %end; 82 %mend; 83 %codeBody; -------------- LOG: Wait For Server -------------- 5 The SAS System 04:18 Wednesday, June 19, 2019 84 %statuscheckpoint; FAIL = SYSDBRC=28000 / SYSCC=0 85 /* Skip Next Step If We Have a Bad Status Code */ 86 %macro codeBody; 87 %GLOBAL LASTSTEPRC; 88 %if %symexist(LASTSTEPRC) %then %do; 89 %if %eval(&LASTSTEPRC. <= 4) %then %do; 90 91 /* Keep the SAS session up until SERVERTERM received */ 92 proc vasmp; 93 serverwait port=10011; 94 quit; 95 %end; 96 %end; 97 %mend; 98 %codeBody; -------------- LOG: Remove Process ID -------------- 6 The SAS System 04:18 Wednesday, June 19, 2019 99 %DeleteProcessIDFile; -------------- SAS CODE -------------- %let _ENCODING=UTF-8; options VALIDVARNAME=ANY VALIDMEMNAME=EXTEND; /* Status Checkpoint Macro */ %macro statuscheckpoint(maxokstatus=4, varstocheck=SYSERR SYSLIBRC SYSDBRC ); %GLOBAL LASTSTEPRC; %LET pos=1; %let var=notset; %let var=%SCAN(&varstocheck.,&pos.); %DO %WHILE ("&VAR." ne ""); /* Retrieve the next return code to check */ %if (%symexist(&VAR.)) %then %do; %let val=&&&VAR..; %if (("&VAL." ne "") and %eval(&VAL. > &maxokstatus.)) %then %do; %put FAIL = &VAR.=&VAL. / SYSCC=&SYSCC.; %let LASTSTEPRC=&VAL.; %end; %end; %let pos = %eval(&pos.+1); %let var=%SCAN(&varstocheck.,&pos.); %END; %mend; /* Store the process ID in an external file */ %macro CreateProcessIDFile(pidfl); %global AL_PIDFILE; data _null_; file "&pidfl." PERMISSION='A::u::rw-,A::g::rw-,A::o::rw-'; put "&SYSJOBID."; run; %if ( &SYSERR. le 4 ) %then /* Store away the PIDFILE for future reference */ %let AL_PIDFILE=&pidfl.; %mend; /* Remove process ID file */ %macro DeleteProcessIDFile; %if %SYMEXIST(AL_PIDFILE) %then %do; data _null_; fname="pidfile"; rc=filename(fname, "&AL_PIDFILE."); if rc=0 and fexist(fname) then rc=fdelete(fname); rc=filename(fname); run; %if ( &SYSERR. eq 0 ) %then %SYMDEL AL_PIDFILE; %end; %mend; %statuscheckpoint; /* Skip Next Step If We Have a Bad Status Code */ %macro codeBody; %GLOBAL LASTSTEPRC; %if %symexist(LASTSTEPRC) %then %do; %if %eval(&LASTSTEPRC. <= 4) %then %do; %CreateProcessIDFile(/sas/sasconfig/Lev1/Applications/SASVisualAnalytics/VisualAnalyticsAdministrator/Monitoring/PIDs/smp_xxxxx_10011.pid); %end; %end; %mend; %codeBody; %statuscheckpoint; /* Skip Next Step If We Have a Bad Status Code */ %macro codeBody; %GLOBAL LASTSTEPRC; %if %symexist(LASTSTEPRC) %then %do; %if %eval(&LASTSTEPRC. <= 4) %then %do; /* Start the single-machine LASR server process */ libname ml sasiola startserver= ( PATH="/sas/sasconfig/Lev1/AppData/SASVisualAnalytics/VisualAnalyticsAdministrator/sigfiles" ) host="xxxxx.xxxxx.com" port=10011 signer="https://xxxxx.com:8343/SASLASRAuthorization" ; %end; %end; %mend; %codeBody; %statuscheckpoint; /* Skip Next Step If We Have a Bad Status Code */ %macro codeBody; %GLOBAL LASTSTEPRC; %if %symexist(LASTSTEPRC) %then %do; %if %eval(&LASTSTEPRC. <= 4) %then %do; /* Keep the SAS session up until SERVERTERM received */ proc vasmp; serverwait port=10011; quit; %end; %end; %mend; %codeBody; %DeleteProcessIDFile; No reload-on-start tables were identified for server LASR Analytic Server - xxxxx.
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