Greeting! I am learning the program code by Rick Wicklin and trying to use my own data to draw the funnel plot, which I think would be very useful to monitor the Site performance both by safety and efficacy. I would like to thank Rick one more time for posting so many insightful and useful SAS graphics example, from which I benefit a lot already. below is the program I changed based on Rick's example, which I ran successfully, but for some reason, my slightly updated code is not working: Can someone take copy and paste the code in below and run, and let me know where is the issue. THANK YOU SO MUCH! /**************************************/ data Mortality; length Sitename Label $27 ; input Sitename Cases Deaths Proportion Label; datalines; Site1 20 2 0.1 Site1 Site2 12 3 0.25 Site2 Site3 2 . . Site3 Site4 7 1 0.14286 Site4 Site5 4 1 0.25 Site5 Site6 2 . . Site6 Site7 2 1 0.5 Site7 Site8 15 4 0.26667 Site8 Site9 6 4 0.66667 Site9 ; proc means data=Mortality P10 P25 P50 P75 P90 P95 P99 Max ndec=0; var Cases; run; /*******************************/ %let DSName = Mortality; %let Events = Deaths; %let Trials = Cases; /* compute overal rate in ESCAPE NEXT */ proc sql ; select sum(&Events) / sum(&Trials) format=best6. into :AvgProp from &DSName; quit; %put &=&AvgProp; proc print data=Mortality ; where Cases >= 2; run; /* Isolate the computation of the the control limits for the funnel plot so it can be reused in multiple programs. */ proc iml; /* Funnel plot for proportion: Compute binomial limits as a function of the nunber of trials. Adjust the binomial quantiles according to method in Appendix A.1.1 of Spiegelhalter (2005) p. 1197. These limits do not depend on the data, although we assume that theta (often the average proportion from the data) is the probability parameter. Parameters: theta (scalar): empirical probability of event = sum(Events) / sum(Trials) nTrials (column vector): sequence of trials at which to evaluate the binomial limits. For example, nTrials = T(1:100) prob (row vector): probabilities at which to compute quantiles. For example, prob = {0.025 0.975} for 95% (~ 2 StdDev) limits prob = {0.001 0.025 0.975 0.999} for 2 and 3 StdDev limits */ start BinomialFunnel(theta, nTrials, prob); n = round(colvec(nTrials)); n = n <> 1; /* must be integer > 0 */ p = rowvec(prob); /* compute columns of matrix, one for each CL */ limits = j(nrow(n), ncol(p), .); do i = 1 to ncol(p); r = quantile("binom", p[i], theta, n); numer = cdf("binom", r , theta, n) - p[i]; denom = cdf("binom", r , theta, n) - cdf("binom", r-1, theta, n); alpha = numer / denom; limits[,i] = (r-alpha)/n; end; /* we can't have negative limits */ idx = loc(limits < 0); if ncol(idx)>0 then limits[idx]=0; /* return these control limits */ return ( n || limits ); finish; store module=BinomialFunnel; QUIT; /* Compute the funnels for the COVID-19 data */ proc iml; use Mortality; read all var "&Events" into Events; read all var "&Trials" into Trials; close; /* compute overall proportion */ theta = sum(Events) / sum(Trials); /* compute confidence limits for range of sample size */ load module=BinomialFunnel; /*nTrials = T(do(4,200,10)) // T( do(200, round(max(Trials)+20, 50), 50) );*/ nTrials = T(do(4,200,10)) // T( do(200, round(max(Trials)+20, 50), 50) ); prob = {0.025 0.975}; results = BinomialFunnel(theta, nTrials, prob); labels = {"N" "L2sd" "U2sd"}; create Limits from results[colname=labels]; append from results; close; QUIT; /* concatenate the data and the limits for the funnel plot */ data FunnelMortality; set Mortality(keep=SITENAME Cases Deaths Proportion Label) Limits; run; /* create funnel plot with data tips. See */ ods graphics / imagemap=ON TIPMAX=5000; title "ESCAPE NEXT"; title "Fatility Rate: Deaths per Enrolled Subjects"; title2 "Sites with 2 or More Subjects"; footnote J=L "data cut off 15Apr2020"; proc sgplot data=FunnelMortality noautolegend; where Cases=. OR Cases >= 2; format Cases comma7.; band x=N lower=L2sd upper=U2sd / fill fillattrs=GraphConfidence outline lineattrs=GraphPrediction transparency=0.5 legendlabel="95% limits" name="band95" curvelabelloc=outside curvelabelupper="Upper Limit" curvelabellower="Lower Limit"; scatter x=Cases y=Proportion / legendlabel="County Proportion" datalabel=Label tip=(SITENAME Cases Deaths); refline &AvgProp / axis=y label="Study Proportion = &AvgProp" SplitChar="/" name="ref" lineattrs=GraphData2 label; xaxis grid ; yaxis grid Label="Fatality Rate"; run; ods graphics / imagemap=OFF; /**********************************************************************************************/
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