Here's a rejigged program based on your example and on the document that you provided, that might work. I'm not sure if the pdffile parameter is okay, you might have to change it to pdffile=ricecb.pdf and see where the macro puts the file.
The organization macro variable is supposed to indicate the file organization, in their example it is "One Record per Participant (ID)".
libname long "P:\RICE Project\Check\MergeProject";
libname library 'P:\RICE Project\Check\Do files\labels';
title1 RICE study codebook;
%let organization=(ID);
%proc_codebook(lib=long,file1=label_book,fmtlib=work.formats,pdffile="P:\RICE Project\Check\Do files\labels\ricecb.pdf");
ods listing close;
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