I may be missing something elemental but I can't get rid of the feeling that hpgenselect handles interaction incorrectly. Let's say I have 2 categorical variables. One with 2 levels and the other with 3 levels. Both of them have a reference category set in the CLASS statement. var1 = {A, B} var2 = {X, Y, Z} I want to have their interaction in the model. Therefore, I include var1*var2 in the MODEL statement. Oddly, I only get parameters estimates for combinations: {A,X} and {A,Y} even though there should be 5 parameters estimated... Ideally, there should be estimates for {A,X}, {A,Y}, {A,Z}, {B,X}, {B,Y}. This manual says that hpgenselect "permits any degree of interaction effects that involve classification and continuous variables". Any hint, please? SAS EG 7.15 HF3 ( (64-bit) __ I could use GENMOD which works fine, but it does't support stepwise selection of variables...
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