Yes. Change the code so it does not cause that note/warning.
If there is a syntax error you should see in the LOG the code with underlines below it showing what part of the code is generating that note. If not then you probably will see notes about trying to convert strings to numbers.
So what code is on line 520 of your program? What statement/function call starts at column 35?
1233 data test;
1234 set sashelp.class;
1235 x = sex*name;
1236 run;
NOTE: Character values have been converted to numeric values at the places given by: (Line):(Column).
1235:6 1235:10
NOTE: Invalid numeric data, Sex='M' , at line 1235 column 6.
NOTE: Invalid numeric data, Name='Alfred' , at line 1235 column 10.
Name=Alfred Sex=M Age=14 Height=69 Weight=112.5 x=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=1
So on line 1235 this program is trying to treat SEX and NAME as if they had NUMERIC values. So SAS happily tried to convert M and Alfred to numbers, but it couldn't.
So the fix is not to treat character variables as numbers. If the character variable has a value that could be a number then convert it yourself using the appropriate informat.
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