Hi Simon and thank you for your prosposals. I really like the first one but I can't find the version of SEG in the metadata server log. Here is an extract of the log : the version is not in the appname. 2019-06-17T09:21:42,946 INFO [03394860] :ET20579 - New client connection (196810) accepted from server port 8561 for user ET20579. Encryption level is Credentials using encryption algorithm SASPROPRIETARY. Peer IP address and port are []:61449. 2019-06-17T09:21:42,946 INFO [03394860] :ET20579 - Request made to cluster SASMeta - Logical Metadata Server (A5N9E47B.AU000001). 2019-06-17T09:21:42,946 INFO [03394860] :ET20579 - Redirect client in cluster SASMeta - Logical Metadata Server (A5N9E47B.AU000001) to server SASMeta - Metadata Server (A5N9E47B.AV000001) at x.x.x.x:8561. 2019-06-17T09:21:51,195 INFO [03394890] :ET20579 - New client connection (196987) accepted from server port 8561 for SAS token user ET20579. Encryption level is Credentials using encryption algorithm SASPROPRIETARY. Peer IP address and port are [x.x.x.x]:64617 for APPNAME=SAS Workspace Server. 2019-06-17T09:21:51,195 INFO [03394890] :ET20579 - Request made to cluster SASMeta - Logical Metadata Server (A5N9E47B.AU000001). 2019-06-17T09:21:51,195 INFO [03394890] :ET20579 - Redirect client in cluster SASMeta - Logical Metadata Server (A5N9E47B.AU000001) to server SASMeta - Metadata Server (A5N9E47B.AV000001) at x.x.x.x:8561.
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