Hi folks, I found myself lost in setting a baseline reference group for a categorical variable in my model of parametric survival analysis. There are 6 categories in priorarrests variable, coded in value 1 to 6. I want to use 2, the second group as my baseline. This is my code proc lifereg data= roads.onlyrecordslessthan12 outest=weiboutest; class race_group gender_group marital_group famprb0new priorarrests (ref="2"); model survivaltime*censor_1(1) =priorarrests impulsivetemperment school0 age gender_group race_group famprb0new marital_group/distribution=lnormal; title 'Weibull regression for the data'; output out=weibsurv xbeta=weib_xb; run; The log shows 10 proc lifereg data= roads.onlyrecordslessthan12 outest=weiboutest; 11 class race_group gender_group marital_group famprb0new priorarrests (ref="2"); - 22 200 ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: a name, ;, -, /, :, _ALL_, _CHARACTER_, _CHAR_, _NUMERIC_. ERROR 200-322: The symbol is not recognized and will be ignored. 12 model survivaltime*censor_1(1) =priorarrests impulsivetemperment school0 age 13 gender_group race_group famprb0new marital_group/distribution=lnormal; 14 title 'Weibull regression for the data'; 15 output out=weibsurv xbeta=weib_xb; 16 run; I tried using no quotation marks as this priorarrests (ref=2); But the log still gives error message. 17 proc lifereg data= roads.onlyrecordslessthan12 outest=weiboutest; 18 class race_group gender_group marital_group famprb0new priorarrests (ref=2); - 22 200 ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: a name, ;, -, /, :, _ALL_, _CHARACTER_, _CHAR_, _NUMERIC_. ERROR 200-322: The symbol is not recognized and will be ignored. 19 model survivaltime*censor_1(1) =priorarrests impulsivetemperment school0 age 20 gender_group race_group famprb0new marital_group/distribution=lnormal; 21 title 'Weibull regression for the data'; 22 output out=weibsurv xbeta=weib_xb; 23 run; Anyone could help me? Thank you!
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