Stored Processes can be used and if using a browser based interface it generally works well. Just don't try and return a million row dataset etc. all at once. You will need JBOSS or some other server running however. Using this method is really easy with something like jQuery for example $.ajax({ url:'your stored process url', data:'param1=foo¶m2=bar', success: function(results){ $('#results').append(results); }, error: function(xhr){ $('#results').append('I'm sorry, I can't do that Dave.'); } }); Stored processes can be set up as Web Services as well and then consumed by your web application (data is returned as xml). PHP in windows allows the use of Active X Data Objects via COM. I did a quick test with the below snippet and it works. You need to ensure you have loaded COM modules for PHP (I don't think they load by default). The basic structure is the same as using something like ASP. When I tested this, I found I need to execute a libname statement prior to the SQL. To see the return xml from the workspace server use the debugging options at the top of the script sample; //Debugging turned on in the PHP script as opposed to in PHP.ini. Remove when complete. ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('log_errors', 1); ini_set('error_log', dirname(__FILE__) . '/error_log.txt'); error_reporting(E_ALL); //Set up the ADO Connection $conn = new COM("ADODB.Connection") or die("Cannot start ADO. Check your server has the SAS Drivers installed."); // SAS Remote IOM Server Connection. $conn->Open("Provider=SAS.IOMProvider.9.2;Data Source=iom-bridge://<<SERVERNAME>>:8591;User ID=<<USERNAME>>;Password=<<PASSWORD>>"); // Execute the SAS Code here. For SQL, no need to use PROC SQL. Libnames need to be defined first. Can't see why datastep, procs etc couldn't be executed also. $rs = $conn->Execute("libname <<LIB>> '<<FILEPATH>>'"); $rs = $conn->Execute("SELECT <<VARS>> FROM <<LIB>>.<<DATASET>>"); // Display all the values in the records set echo "<p>The Below Data is from SAS.</p>"; while (!$rs->EOF) {
$fv = $rs->Fields("<<VARS>>");
echo "Value: ".$fv->value."<br>\n";
Message was edited by: Cameron Lawson
Added additional step in sample code after testing.
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