Hi Bruno,
Thank you so much for the codes using timezone. The CAS session was assigned using
But this solution only solve part of the issue (yesterday the results from point 1 below were also wrong)
1. when I am using the code below the result is correct ( "Created" value is "2024-06-06T15:41:28+02:00")
proc cas; table.tableInfo /caslib="CASUSER", name="mytable"; quit;
2. when I'm using the code below the result is still two hours earlier (the macro var &create_dtm_txt resolve to 06JUN24:13:41:28)
proc cas; table.tableInfo result=r2 /caslib="CASUSER", name="myTable"; create_dtm=r2.tableInfo[,"CreateTime"][1]; call symputx('create_dtm', create_dtm, 'G'); quit; %put &=create_dtm; %let create_dtm_txt=%sysfunc(putn(&create_dtm.,datetime.)); %put create_dtm_txt=&create_dtm_txt.;
&create_dtm= 2033300487.9.
Thank you,
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