Hi, I am new to PROC MI. I have 500 unique patient data with 30 variables, of which 15 variables have missing values. Using multiple imputations procedure, I was able to impute 15 different variables (some binary, some ordinal and a few nominal); 30 imputations in total. So my final data set contains 15000 observations. Then I created a few summary variables from the "new imputed variables" to be used as covariates in the regression models. Now, I am unable to conduct univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyses using standard SAS procedures and then combining them using PROC MIANALYZE. I want to do something like the following using the multiple imputed data set (30 imputations): 1. I want to have standard table 1 to describe my sample. I want to report: n (%) for categorical variables and mean (SD) for continuous. 2. I want to have standard table 2 to describe my sample by my exposure (2 level) and conduct a Chi-square for categorical variables and t-test for continuous. 3. I want to have standard table 3 which compares adjusted LS Means and SE for my continuous OUTCOME variable across the exposure, adjusting for several covariates. Could someone please guide me? Thanks. -Raj
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