Hello Sanjay, I am trying to overlay a Boxplot, Scatterplot and ViolinPlot.For this I am using PROC SGPLOT with sas 94. Example code is as below to produce boxplot + scatterplot. However when one adds the bandplot to this, then it does not work anymore. See the warning below obtained when adding a bandplot statement. proc sgplot data=ars; vbox rcbi / category=arm2 boxwidth=0.4 nooutliers; scatter x=arm2 y=rcbi / group=arm2 jitter transparency=0.6 markerattrs=(/*color=red*/ symbol=CircleFilled); run; WARNING: BANDPLOT statement has a conflict with the axis type. The plot will not be drawn. This is the same when using proc SGPANEL. I can create the violin plot using band statement using code below proc sgpanel data=final; panelby arm2; band y=rcbi2 lower=mirror upper=density; run; But it does not work anymore if I add the vbox and scatter statement on top … Let me know if any thoughts
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